- ] Essay on Independence Day (India) for Children's and School StudentsFifteenth August is celebrated as the Independence day of India. But they have left us the responsibility of preserving the freedom of our country, her unity and the honour of her flag. Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Independence Day’ in both long and short form. A large number of Indians sacrificed their lives in the freedom struggle.Subhas Bose felt that our freedom struggle founded on peace and nonviolence will not force the Britishers to leave India so soon.
This day marks the triumphs of those Indian nationalists and patriots who struggled hard and sacrificed their lives for the freedom of their motherland.This year also, Independence Day was celebrated in my town.

After hoisting the flag, the visiting dignitary gave a powerful and inspiring speech in which he described the progress of India. This day is celebrated with great pomp and show every year as a national holiday.In Delhi, the Capital of India, Prime Minister hoists the National Flag at Red Fort in the morning. So, they could stand together and put up and hard struggle to bring back our lost freedom which is our birthright. People also enjoy kite flying on this day and as the dusk began they leave the kites free to symbolise India’s freedom.Independence Day Short Essay Function is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Independence Day celebrations are of great importance. On 15th August, 1947 India became independent from the British rule. We could always be ready to give our everything to make our country rich and prosperous.. We should never think of anything which may bring danger to our independence.The “Independence Day” is celebrated all over the country on 15 August every year. All the citizens of our country have equal rights. Though we have got our political freedom, economic freedom is yet to be achieved.

It is a day that reminds them of the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters.

The second essay is a short essay on Independence Day of 150-200 … Various competitions are held among students on this occasion.On behalf of the Government, this auspicious day is observed in every town and city. People came to witness this ceremony.

Get help with your writing. The regions with Muslim domination became Pakistan and the regions with Hindu majority remained India or Hindustan or Bharat.Hoisting the national flag from the ramparts of the Red Fort, Nehru delivered the famous speech of tryst with destiny’ on 15th August, 1947 from the ramparts of the Red Fort.

The day is celebrated with great fervour and people pay homage to the thousands of lives laid down by great men and women.

On this historic day, we all stand under of national flag and take an oath to perform the task we have been entrusted to.Our first historical struggle for freedom began in 1857 though there were some minor struggles previously against British Empire. The students and teachers in the educational institutions celebrate this day with great enthusiasm.They go round their own village-town singing morning hymns and national songs. 150 Words On Independence Day Search. Question and Answer forum for K12 Students On this day, flags flutter on the top of ail government offices. Several vehicles, tempo, auto-rickshaw have a tricolour flying on the top.Patriotic songs can be heard at every street corner. Essay on Independence Day (150 words) On 15th August 1947, India became free. Friendship is a feeling of love, affection, emotion,  and respect for one person to another. If You Are Reading In Class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 And Want To Prepare Essay On Independence Day In Hindi Then You Can Take Help Of Our 15 August 2019 Short Essay or Independence Day … but also the unique sacrifice of Subhash, Bhagat Singh, Tatya Tope, Laxmi Bai and many Indians.We should guard our freedom at any cost.

This long essay about Independence Day is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Our Prime Minister hoists the national flag of India on the Red Fort in Delhi, the capital city of India and addresses the audience.

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Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Independence Day’ in both long and short form. It reminds us of the great ideals which were the foundation of the dream of a free India, envisioned and realised by the founding fathers.It also reminds us that our forefathers have done their share of duty. In 1905, the Congress led by the young leaders created the public consciousness in India against the division of Bengal.

They were real Indians and true patriots.

It is observed by the Indians living in foreign countries. We must proud of the fact that our country is independent. He hoists the flag and the National Anthem is sung.
Delhi is the capital of India, hence this special day is celebrated in a special way hereIt is a national holiday Our Prime Minister hoists the flag on the Red Fort.