Thank you.The simplest is to export each field directly and skipping B. Somewhere in my code it does not continue the offset, everytime i remove it replaces the current line.

Would you be able to help me fix the code so that in the each click populates only one entry of “Yes” or only one entry of “No”? For example, IFERROR([vlookup formula here],””) will display a blank if the vlookup results in an #N/A! Put it in quotes in an ActiveCell.Offset(0,#).FormulaR1C1 statement. You should be able to put it in loop.Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Cells(intRow1, intCol1).Value = Worksheets(“Sheet2”).Cells(intRow2, intCol2).ValueiVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf((Selection), “2”)‘ Set Do loop to stop when an empty cell is reached.iVal = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf((Selection), “2”)‘ Set Do loop to stop when an empty cell is reached.Hello Admin. Rows mean nothing to me here. The error message may be because the joined_tst.xls isn’t open. The ActiveCell won’t change. Can you be more specific about what each column and row contains? More information please.-I have 5 column in the excel sheet (A TO E).

it is the language that evades me.

Basically I have a complicated formula in Col B in Excel template that I don’t want overwrite when moving data from Access to Excel and would like to automate this process using VBA code. I have a file with attribute names as headers and applicable values in the columns beneath each header. cell D3 . I also have a no button… it’s doing the same thing. Use an IFERROR statement to capture a “Not Found” situation.You can put this in a macro, including adding the VLOOKUP, if you want.

b = Worksheets(“Issue Tracker”).Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row Worksheets(“Issue Tracker”).Cells(b + 1, 5).Value = Worksheets(rep).Cells(27, 2).ValueI would add the following code. Select. The code would be:This puts the calculation into the current cell, then moves down one row.

The “Range(“A1″)” clause is not necessary. However, what my code is doing is one click and every cell is populated with Yes. I’d go about them differently, but yours work.I’m trying to run a series of macros down a list of values.I planned to use the call statement for both macros, but I can’t figure out how to set up the loop to change the cell value (the cell value needs to change for the value change macro and because I’ve set up several vlookups with that cell).Hi Admin, Here is my need !

Otherwise, I would copy A and C to a new sheet, then save that sheet as a Tab Delimited File and import that into Access.Sorry for the confusion. A1 ,B1 and D1 will not be touched as they are general information.-I want to copy cell C1 to C2 as “YES” , E1 to E2 as “YES” at the same time ,whenever I insert a new row . The following code will allow you to select cells A1, C1, and E1: 1. But the VBA-code save the files as *.xls files and I would want to save it as *.xlsx files since I’m running on Excel2016. Once you do:[switch to Access, read the value into the variable]There are probably sexier ways to do this, but this is simple and reliable and unless you have 100,000 rows, the performance is fine.I need a VBA Code which will copy Above Cell value Range E2: G till the previous columns have value and once Previous coulmn cell value come blank, it stop copying.I am not sure what you are asking. This just a sample there is a lot more columns involved in that process. The problem is that your code updates B15:D15, then moves down a row.

And Col B & C from Access to Col C & D in Excel worksheet. Offset (RowOffset, ColumnOffset) One way is to use a construct like this. Can you create an import mask in Access to ignore column B? You can use a loop to iterate through all your values:I’m new to VB Excel. VBA Lesson 16: Cells, Ranges, Columns and Rows in VBA for Excel. How to select cells/ranges by using Visual Basic procedures in Excel. To do the copy, I would use something like this: I have taken a few college courses related to Excel and C sharp, looks like I took the wrong coding language course because I cannot figure out how to write a macros to save my life! I have a form where i would like the user to click the button and each click populates the value “Yes” every time the button is clicked. I want to export Col A from Access table to col A into Excel template. You can use the Find option, but you need a Boolean variable, bolFound, to assign to the Find and then test if bolFound = True, then you have the right row.