Get weekly tennis news & analysis...Serena Williams vs Venus Williams current Head to Head: 14-10 There is little doubt that Serena (Player Profile) and Venus... EVERYBODY wants to get a close look at him in particular and usually the stands start to fill up 30-60 minutes before he's scheduled to take the court. Some pros loosely call this position the “back scratch” position, although, the racket never really touches the back.This element is a major key of a world class serve, because as the racket drops seconds before contact, it builds up potential energy. If you’d watch me serve a year back, my inconsistency was jarring. Pronation is a sign that the player has successfully gotten full torque and wrist action going into the serve.During the follow through, Federer finishes with his body inside the court.

In other words, this drop increases the amount of forward and upward velocity of the racket once Federer goes up towards contact.Federer’s contact point is slightly in front, with the hitting arm fully extended.

Myself included, I feel like this is the essence of what people find difficult in understanding the principles of racquet drop and pronation.Hey Ian, I reckon Roger Federer let's the ball drop a bit to much what do you think.Great stuff again! Besides shooting you must also be doing those tedious editing work I suppose.

Roger Federer Slow Motion Match Play - Duration: 3:07. aimr75 175,076 views. Tedious is definitely a good word for it, but very enjoyable!Hey Ian, I reckon Roger Federer let's the ball drop a bit to much what do you think? Just wonder Ian, how hard you must work for shooting a video. Though if all the previous elements are in place, this should happen fairly naturally.

Federer’s serve motion consists of a gradual wind-up with a slow and deliberate pick up of speed. Roger Federer’s serve is a classic example of a fluid, circular wind-up that closely resembles the throwing mechanics of a pitcher.And if you want to improve your serve, you need to take at least a few elements of his serving technique and put them into your own game.Federer’s serve shares many of the same commonalities of all world class servers. Balanced and relaxed start position. Federer’s serve motion consists of a gradual wind-up with a slow and deliberate pick up of speed. In fact, Federer is a great model for most players at most levels, much better in many respects than either Sampras or Roddick. When I watch Roger Federer serve, his fluid brilliance is incredibly captivating. !Yup, I do all of my own editing on these pro videos. Federer’s serve motion consists of a gradual wind-up with a slow and deliberate pick up of speed. We are here to support you!! Next, his hips begin to rotate into the court. In professional tennis, holding serve is a normal routine – and the game really becomes more about trying to dictate play on your opponent’s serve, rather than worrying about trying to hold serve. On a pro tennis serve, the loading phase consists of a full & deep knee bend, with the torso rotated (or coiled) away from the net. That begins with Federer using a continental grip and maintaining that grip all the way into the follow through.During the preparation, Federer’s racket is on edge with the tossing hand holding the ball at the throat of the racket. Slow motion and real-time video footage of backhand slice shots by Roger Federer on the practice courts. Typically, the racket will finish on Federer’s left side andRoger Federer’s serve is a great example for tennis players to emulate at every level of the game. Crunch Time … Tell me in the comments down below! It’s poetry in motion. The left foot faces around a 45 degree angle pointing toward the net post. His arm moves slowly up and then suddenly accelerates like a “whip.” His serve is a combination of smoothness, fluidity and elegance – similar to the rest of his game. Very Big thanks Ian for these! Explosion at contact.

Getting a good spot is one thing, but then knowing how to use the camera is another as well Awesome!!! Roger Federer's serve is one of the most underrated serves in the game. awarded - most stylish man of the decade subscribe like share By the time Federer makes contact with the ball, his body has uncoiled and unleashed the stored energy that he had previously generated through the use of a body coil and at the height of the trophy position.Once contact is made, all top servers (including Federer) pronate their forearm as part of the follow through.

Check the “ATP” logo to see what I mean. Graceful rocking motion. Here is some super slow motion (240fps) video of Roger Federer hitting his serve during a practice session at the BNP Paribas Open in 2013.He has a somewhat closed racquet face at trophy pose but as the racquet drops he rolls his wrist clockwise and then back counterclockwise to achieve a square face at impact. Tennis Forehand WRIST - Lag and Snap Explained - Duration: 9:51. RacquetFlex 582,980 views. Just enter your email below for...Join the tennis club for free. No matter how you put it, a better For any club player or elite player, I recommend you to study Federer’s serve. His arm moves slowly up and then suddenly accelerates like a “whip.” If you watch Federer’s serve in slow motion, the arm and racket slowly moves through a circular motion, similar to a throwing action. ... {Serve Lesson} Perfect Serve Practice 20 minute routine - Duration: 22:21. Roger Federer Ultimate Slow Motion Compilation - Forehand - Backhand - Serve - Volley - Overhead - Duration: 26:46. Essentially, Federer is looking at the target service box in preparation to serve.One key notable point about Federer’s serve is that his motion is smooth and circular. ©2020 STEVEGTENNIS.COM - All 3rd party trademarks are hereby acknowledged.