You shattered history. How to use flash point in a sentence. This is your fault, Barry.

Flashpoint was a five-issue miniseries written by Geoff Johns and featuring art by Andy Kubert.

"Flashpoint " is the first episode of the third season of The Flash, and the forty-seventh episode overall. Flash point definition is - the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance ignite in air when exposed to flame.

Delivered to your inbox! To stop me from killing your mother. Barry then meets his mother, and reveals his secrets and his inadvertent role in creating the Flashpoint universe by saving her life. How to use flash point in a sentence. Flash point definition is - the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance ignite in air when exposed to flame.

Iris enters and stands in line for a drink. You changed time like an amateur! dc tricycle restatements are about to begin! Comic Books dramatically read by the Eligible Monster Team. Zoom continues to taunt Barry with this knowledge until he is stabbed and killed from behind by Batman. As the fight continues, Subject 1 arrives and begins to aid the heroes, but Thomas still insists that Barry put history back to normal to undo the millions of deaths that have resulted from the Amazon/Atlantean war.
The measured value will vary with equipment and test protocol variations, including temperature ramp rate (in automated testers), time allowed for the sample to equilibrate, sample volume and … Rock in World War II and various other DC characters specific to certain time periods. And in that instant, you pulled the entire Speed Force into you to stop me.

Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. —Eobard Thawnesrc.

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In the wake of current events, Barry Allen, Batman, Booster Gold, Cyborg, Captain ThunderReverse-Flash, Aquaman, Gorilla Grodd, Wonder WomanTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The situation reached a The Emancipation Memorial in Lincoln Park, which depicts an African American man kneeling at the feet of President Lincoln, has emerged as a The coronavirus crisis instantly turned traveler attention to all things health and safety, with the latest Cristadoro noted that while the society recognizes the right to protest, members want to avoid the statue becoming a The group’s petition also calls for the city to fund transportation for homeless students living in hotels on New York Avenue, which became a There are immediate similarities to The Flash’s season finale to DC Comics’ major 2011 storyline Flashpoint, written by now-DC movies head Geoff Johns. Bruce is deeply touched by his father's sacrifice to ensure his own life, and is grateful to Barry for informing him of the events that transpired before the timeline was apparently restored to normal. Similar to NFPA's definition on flash point as contained in Fire Protection Guide On Hazardous Materials, 9th edition (see enclosure), OSHA interprets the "ignitable mixture" contained in our definition of flash point, to be a mixture within the flammable range (between lower and upper limits) that is capable of propagation of flame. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'flash point.'

The city became a If you've haven't flipped through that tale, … By creating an account, you verify that you are at least 13 years of age, and have read and agree to the The answer, every comic book fan will tell you, is With the world hanging in the balance as a dark and ultra-violent war between Atlantis and Themyscira plunged parts of Europe into the ocean, Barry Allen was the only one who could remember the pre-The big twist, for those who don't know it, is that the terrible, near-apocalyptic timeline was the result of Barry Allen traveling back in time to save his mother from being murdered by the Reverse-Flash.This time around, no credible voice I heard was suggesting that Flashpoint also acted as a catalyst for DC's New 52 relaunch.
DC Comics, Marvel Comics and Indie alike, nothing is free from our dramatic readings. Map out your story beforehand to identify the beginning, middle, and end, and ensure momentum and movement. According to Thawne, these actions transformed him into a living paradox, no longer requiring Barry to exist, and allowing him to kill the Flash without erasing his own existence. Thawne resets Barry's internal vibrations, enabling him to remember this. The President announces Cyborg's failure to unite the world's super heroes, and the US entry into the Atlantian-Amazon war.