UNDERSTANDING FLEXIBLE LEARNING THEORY AND HOW IT IS USED IN ONLINE LEARNING. What are some trends and issues in flexible learning environments? Supporting Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs 2.4. Promoting professional knowledge, experiential learning and critical thinking for medical students. Technology‐enhanced learning research, such as that relating to the use of online technologies in formal learning contexts, is sometimes criticised for being under‐theorised.

However flexible learning in itself is complex, and not as simple as this definition implies. For example: Distance Education (especially in developing countries) has been driven by perceived national demand, rather than 'lifelong' learning philosophy. While classroom-based part-time study is the most common form of flexible learning, recent years have seen a shift towards employer-based and online learning at some institutions. If you cannot find anything that helps you develop your understanding about flexible learning in your specific context, contact the facilitator who can help you to find material that is more relevant

What is flexible learning? "UNDERSTANDING FLEXIBLE LEARNING THEORY AND HOW IT IS USED IN ONLINE LEARNING." Cognitivism has given rise to many evidence based education theories, including cognitive load theory, schema theory and dual coding theory as well as being the basis for retrieval practice. Teaching a Hybrid-Flexible Course 2.2.

Chavan, M. (2011). In Zheng, R. Z., & Ferris, S. P.

“Flexible Learning 2.0” is the name of Pickerington Schools’ 2020-21 back-to-school plan designed to protect students and staff as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.

overcoming distance and spatial distance problems is common in both Open and Flexible Learning.

This enables teachers and students to adapt to teaching and learning requirements at any given moment. John Dewey Theory Applied in the Classroom. In cognitivism theory, learning occurs when the student reorganises information, either by finding new explanations or adapting old ones. An experience can take place at the level of exposure, participation, or immersion, and there are several different kinds of experiences an instructor can implement in a course. The program provides a number of different clinical cases which students must diagnose and treat using various sources of information available (including advice from experts).

View Over 1,200+ IGI Global Titles Related to Online Education and Educational Technologies IGI Global offers a rich volume of content related to online education, special education, hybrid learning environments, curriculum development, and more.

Learning styles and learning spaces: Enhancing experiential learning in higher education.

All of these titles are available in electronic format at a 50% discount making them ideal resources for online learning environments. You may find it more useful to ignore the additional resources and look for information that suits your context better. Hybrid-Flexible Implementations Around the World 3.1. “flexible learning is an alternative to the face-to-face teaching model traditionally associated with higher education” Cybinski & Selvanathan (2005, p. 252) “FlexLearning is a course delivery strategy that … Experiential learning and its critics: Preserving the role of experience in management learning and education. That way you can choose how much time to spend on the materials that are provided. These include laboratory work, field trips, problem-based learning, reflective writing, content-creation, undergraduate research, events where students present their knowledge to the community, computer assisted instruction, community service, workplace learning, peer mentoring, and internships (Kolb & Kolb, 2015; Smart & Csapo, 2007). Flexible learning can occur anywhere, anyhow, anyway. Ideal for subject librarians, these databases span major subject areas including business, computer science, education, and social sciences.

Evaluating the Impact of Hybrid-Flexible Courses and Programs Unit III. When people think of a flexible learning environment, they often think only of the physical space.

Also, students' learning preferences may strongly influence the design of a flexible or blended learning environment. The options for learning can be flexible on a continuum ranging from Fixed to More Flexible, according to the five dimensions of flexibility: Time, Content, Entry Requirements, Instructional approach and resources and Delivery and Logistics. (2011). Digital learners in higher education: Generation is not the issue. ), Gearhart, Deb. Must-Have Resource! Lauren Cluff, an elementary school teacher, took a middle ground approach by swapping desks for tables, which encourages more active learning.

Kolb, A. Y., & Kolb, D. A. Also there are five dimensions which can impact:time; content of the course; entry requirements; instructional approaches and resources; delivery and logistic… Use of three‐dimensional (3‐D) immersive virtual worlds in K‐12 and higher education settings: A review of the research.
Flexible learning is a term becoming increasingly prevalent in distance education.

The best place to start is to find out what is happening in your organisation, and to do a search on the Internet for examples in your context. (2005). Learning a language requires textbooks, grammar lessons and rote memory. Maudsley, G., & Strivens, J. Which learning theories mostly apply to flexible learning environments? Gearhart, D. (2008). According to Dewey, “Learning takes place when a person involved in an activity looks back and evaluates it, determines what was useful or important to remember, and uses this information to perform another activity.” An instructor can utilize this powerful process by incorporating specific and purposeful experiences in the classroom and prompting students with specific reflective exercises so they can draw meaning from course content.

Kayes, D. C. (2002).

Multiple Intelligences. The online learning environment may be contained in an institutional learning management system (e.g., Moodle) and password protected, or, it might be open and use web 2.0 tools and approaches for social networked learning.

The theory of multiple intelligences, developed by Howard Gardner, posits … Cognitive flexibility theory focuses on the nature of learning in complex and ill-structured domains.