Can’t thank you enoughWhat’s the word for someone who walks in a bar looking for someone to buy them a drink…my boss thinks there’s an old English word for itBy “old English” do you mean pre-Norman invasion or just not currently used? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Literally to blow a trumpet (as opposed to “blow your own trumpet” )We should add that to a list of expressions English needs. There are numerous different ways of saying “drunk.” (Benjamin Franklin alone gathered 200 synonyms. Tanked. )And depending where you … Synonyms for drunk at with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. It was cordial and coke all round for people across the UK for 31 days, but we’ve now moved into the socially sanctioned ‘Wet February’.So now seems as good a time as any to look at all the different ways people have found to describe getting drunk – or should we say, ‘rat-arsed’, ‘mortal’, or ‘palintoshed’?Just in case you want to impress your local bar staff with your dictionary-like knowledge of inebriation. 15 Funny Conversation Starters for Couples. A magician was driving down the road and turned into a driveway. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Battered 6.

Here are 25 popular expressions about being drunk.

Originally a nautical phrase of the 19th century. facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; With the end of the semester upon us the partying is at an all time high. We give you 193 ways to say that you’re drunk and another 43 to say that you’re very drunk. And that’s just in English. How about drinking from a beer bottle?. What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Also a derogatory meaning of someone who lurks near the bar in pubs hoping to be bought a pint in exchange for a chat. Bananas 4. Some of these words and phrases are ruder than others, but most of them are considered funny, rather than likely to cause offence! Phrases 9 and 10 are more formal. Top 10 Ways To Mess With Your Drunk Friends. 3 eyed billy goat,3 sheets in the wind, wrecked, gut F##cked, beaned,linebackered (as in hit by a NFL football player), sacked, hooked, wall eyed, pin balled & several others mentioned. The answers to this one can span from the genuine or obvious (pay some debt, buy a new gaming system) to the amusing (fill the pool out back with Jell-O). Three sheets to the wind. How many ways can you say ‘drunk’, in English, two students were observing just how many ways their English course mates had for discussing alcohol and being drunk.

I’m not aware of any that are widely used. And even though the list is far from complete, it is quite the collection.

Drunk as a mop is new to me. 100 classic ways to say 'drunk' in the English language Under the influence. Person A: Was Otis drunk when he came to the jail last night? Sacked..this list is endless, love it. Nothing, they just waved. At the moment?

Drunk as a skunk. Tanked up. Baloobas 3. Getting drunk is from all ages. (No, we've never heard of this one either, but our research shows that it is actually a thing. Scratched means some dude got drunk then got his A## kicked ,for being rude to some other dudes girl. Intoxicated. Phrase 7 says that the person is very drunk and emphasises the destructive effect of the alcohol. Woozy. 5. Find descriptive alternatives for drunk.

Surprisingly, many younger Britons use this word in a positive way to say how much they enjoyed a night out. Either way, there is no doubt that the man was an excellent drinker. That’s why there are so many words around to describe this state.The great thing about this list is that most of the words actually have a year behind them in which it was first used.

Pot shot means you missed that deer,bear,wild cat while hunting. In certain sociolects in London 15-25 years ago “a chatterpint (chatter-pint)” was used to describe someone who you’d talk to in the pub (over a pint) but perhaps not otherwise. Blind 11. We came up with these, but we're still positive that there's more out there.