His only descendant, Professor Farnsworth, runs a cargo shipping service, which Fry joins. Trust me, I could have made a case for Hedonismbot getting bumped up, but it didn't feel right.Professor Farnsworth (Billy West again, good lord above, what talent) often utters this line towards the beginning of episodes, and it's not so much the line itself that is funny, it's the fact that the news that he delivers right after it is almost never close to being good. The show went through only four production cycles, but not all of the episodes from cycle four were aired during the fourth broadcast season. Despite Turanga Leela's desires to remain single, a running gag of the series is for her to go from one failed, short-lived marriage to another.

Doing this will start a table read of the final episode.

One of the best long-running jokes on Futurama was its biting parody of the increasingly entertainment-driven and sensationalist media atmosphere of the 21st century. If you hear Farnsworth say this line, you'd better get ready for bad news.
Futurama: "List of Running Jokes/Gags" at the largest Futurama forum PEEL.

However, there are some jokes that are dated. The character himself is the running joke here, and that's that. Futurama has remained pretty timeless so far as a good portion of its jokes are still funny today.

Oct 19, 2018. A taxicab number has since been defined as the smallest number that can be expressed as the sum of two positive algebraic cubes in This is a sight gag that confuses some viewers at first glance. Futurama is so full of classic running jokes and catchphrases that it would be almost impossible to rank the top ten. WATCH: Everything you didn't know about Futurama. The characters reference a food product called "Soylent Green", which is the name of a 1970s sci-fi movie about a cheap food product that is secretly made of people. Nov 8, 2018. * Have you ever tried simply closing out of reddit, sitting down with your children, and hitting … No one else could pull it off, either — I've tried it in real life, and it's gotten me nowhere.The cocky, brash, stupid, and self-obsessed Zapp Brannigan (Billy West again) is always a welcome recurring character. Not to mention season seven, episode seventeen, "Forty Percent Leadbelly". This includes the many relationships and character conflicts in the Futurama universe that stay basically the same from episode to episode, without evolution, for example the Farnsworth-Wernstrom conflict or the Mom-Farnsworth relationship. In the episode "The Route of All Evil," Bender, Fry, and Leela all head to the, ahem, 7Yesterday's Futurama took us on a psychedelic, president-licking journey through time, space, and… You may have heard of Schrödinger's cat, but Witten's Dog is entirely an invention of Futurama. Bender clearly calls dibs, and the moment is over. The weirdest part of it all is that Bender just has legs that come out of his torso — there isn't much "a**" to bite.This is one of many lines from this show that I find myself saying (or just thinking) in real life.The surreally incompetent Dr. Zoidberg (Billy West) gets almost everything wrong, but when he's really in over his head, he pulls this classic escape. His lust for her, his fumbled attempts at seduction, his hyperbole about what may (or may not) have happened between them is always hilarious, as he's the one who comes off as the butt of the joke no matter how high he's trying to build himself up.All Zapp really has to do to get a laugh out of me is walk in the room and say, "Leela..." which he does quite often. Share Share Tweet Email.

Katey Sagal appeared in 8 Simple Rules (2002) and Sons of Anarchy (2008) between seasons. They almost always involve the biting of his backside, but occasionally there's a "lick" thrown in there. This tradition started with season two, episode twenty, "Anthology of Interest I", and continued through season seven, episode nineteen, "Saturday Morning Fun Pit".

25. In each installment of every "Anthology" episode, one or more of the main characters dies.

The most significant change in global politics presented in Futurama's view of the 31st century is that the whole of Earth is governed by a single united government. The trivia items below may give away important plot points. As a result, anywhere in the show you would expect to see rats, mice, pigeons, or other common scavenger animals, owls are usually found instead. At the beginning of the show, during the opening credits and theme song, there is always something different displayed in text at the bottom of the screen.

Futurama, Jurassic World make cameos in new look at The Simpsons’ next Treehouse of Horrors .