Nujiang is one of the most important rivers in China, and has carved out one fo the world’s most outstanding gorges in the Nujiang Grand Canyon.Ranwu Lake is a perfect blending of the Swiss Alps snow peaks and glaciers and the streams in Jiuzhaigou Valley. Gandan Monastery. It is typical Tibetan landscape, with beautiful striking blue lake and a natural hot spring sourced from the purest of natural mineral rich waters. But we are not the sort of an overplanner who applies excessive schedule pressure. Drive from Litang to Batang along G38 Batang is the county in the west of Ganzi Tibet Autonomous Prefecture with its seat at Xiaqiong Town (夏邛镇).

The route also takes you through regions where the Kham culture is predominant, and gives you the chance to explore more of the Tibetan culture that can be found outside TAR, in places like Danba, Kangding, Xinduqiao, and Litang and Nyingchi.While it would be nice to be able to drive this route While most of Tibet is still under snow and quite cold, the climate in Nyingchi is already warm, and temperatures in March and April are warmer than they are further west. Winter has descended, and the roads are coated with snow, the temperatures often dip well below freezing, and many of the lodges and hostels along the route are closed. The new road runs parallel with the Xigaze-Lhasa railway and links the city's ring roads with the 5,476-kilometre G318 highway from Shanghai to Zhangmu on the Nepal border, the report said. If you are interested, you can continue to walk by Basum Tso, enjoy the snow mountain and thick forest, and enter the Jieba Village that maintains pure Gongbo style. Wind your way up through the Potala Palace, the holy land and landmark of … Just eight kilometers off the G318 National Highway, Midui Glacier is a must-see tourist attraction for visitors driving to Tibet.Lulang Forest is a typical plateau mountain meadow featuring stunning alpine scenery, located in Lulang Town, Nyingchi County.

From Lhasa to Zhangmu it is also called Friendship Highway. Next you’ll drive on the zigzag road up to the mountain chain of Hengduanshan, which extends from the north to the south. One thing is for sure, packing light is not the best thing to do. When we are driving through Haizi Mountain, it is snowing with all the mountain areas on the top blanketed by white snow.Haizi Mountain Nature Reserve is a Sichuan provincial level reserve. Filled with high mountain passes and ...Travel from Sichuan to Tibet: Southern Route vs. Northern RouteSichuan-Tibet Highway has two different routes, with very different landscapes, though both end at the same place, Lhasa ...Highlights of Classic Chengdu to Lhasa Overland Tour (318 Southern Route)Here are the top highlights of classic Chengdu to Lhasa overland tour (318 Southern Route), including Danba, Tagong Temp ...Cycling from Chengdu to Lhasa via Sichuan-Tibet Road, Tips and DetailsDetails and tips on cycling from Chengdu to Tibet. From Lhasato Zhangmuit is also called Friendship Highway. It is said that the blessing of a reserved Jowo Shakyamuni image left by Wencheng Princess in this monastery to the pilgrims resembles the Lhasa Jowo Shakyamuni image in Lhasa. At Litang, we again get onto the National Highway G318 and turn west for our 177 km overland trip to Batang (巴塘). Today still 200 lamas live in there. Enjoy the alpine scenery of Lulang Forest, the Switzerland Scene of Tibet. Daocheng is located at an altitude of 3700 meters. Once you have your Chinese Entry Visa, your tour operator will be able to book your itinerary, and apply for the When traveling to Tibet, it is important to know what things you should and should not bring.