Discuss Darius in all his glory, and have fun while doing so. Diana It’s that bad League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends © Riot Games, Inc. Our authors will teach you which items to build, runes to select, tips and tricks for how to how to play Gangplank… Lux Quinn

Taliyah If rumble starts q then auto the minions as much as possible to contest level two. Maokai Aatrox Once jayce gets his first back and it’s not a vamperc septer or serrated dirk, you can continue to harass him ( but if he has these items you just lose for the time being). Gangplank wins this matchup until Wukong hits 6. Runes: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth, Biscuits, Time Warp Tonic, Double Adaptive, Armor. [10.16] The Butcher of BilgewaterToplane Gangplank gThe Ultimate 1mill+ Masters(S9) Gangplank Guide [10.16]Did this guide help you? Everytime you interact with jayce, q him and if he uses range q then melee q, you spam a click to get passive auto and follow it with a q. Filter by flair. Rumble basically beats gangplank laning phase up until you have 3 items. Use pro Gangplank Builds Download the Blitz App Import Runes, Summoners, and Builds into League. Outside the laning phase kalista just beats you in the split and if you were to teamfight you would be so behind in resources it’ll be dreadful. You need to get level two before ryze or else he’ll dominant the lane. When he has two items you can look to pick him off but after that it’s just doomed. Be hyper aggressive to him, spam that q button and out sustain him, if he tries to back try your best to stop him and force him to lane. Starting Item: Corrupting Live Feed. Champion.gg isn't endorsed by Riot Games and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. Do you like play Darius?

End the game asap before this happens.

© Copyright 2013-2020 www.leagueofgraphs.com. Consuming or selling a Biscuit permanently increases your max mana and restores health and mana.Potions and biscuits grant some restoration immediately. Nidalee Created Jun 3, 2015. Early tabis is nice. Anivia To be honest i would just dodge this matchup. Braum

MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. What kalista can do if you were to walk up to farm is auto a minion and stack it with her passive then auto you kill that minion with her e to reset e then just spear you down and kill you. Start of lane passive auto minion for grasp, don't leash. Just like the lucian matchup every jungler is basically forced to play around this lane. Zoe Corki Neeko Start of lane passive auto minion for grasp, dont leash.

Start of lane passive auto minion for grasp, don’t leash. Rumble Yorick Gnar Gain a free Biscuit every 2 min, until 6 min. Ezreal Karma Trundle Depending on what runes ryze has if he runs comet you can actually kill him at any time. You start to beat jayce once you have two items depending what he has, if jayce has bork and black cleaver, you can still beat him but once he gets edge of night then he just dominates the split. Don’t place barrels when he has his abilities up since he can easily break them with his passive. Annie Runes: Grasp, Demolish, Second Wind, Overgrowth, Biscuits, Time Warp Tonic, Double Adaptive, Magic Resist. Draven But if jayce were to go conqueror then try your best to make short trades. Wukong can beat gangplank even if you’re healthier than him because of him having two ults with conqueror. Look to team fight and end the game as quick as possible. Even if lucian doesn’t kill you solo, you need to be aware of the enemy jungler. Outside of the laning phase you outscale him but in teamfights you have to be careful for his ultimate on multiple people. Vel'Koz Gain a free Biscuit every 2 min, until 6 min. Shaco Gangplank Build Guide for League of Legends. Ashe What to get on first back: Dorans blade If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. Graves