The man punches him.

Evil Bong. Comments: 618 Thanks, I love you.

Will Reviews Gingerdeadman 3 Saturday Night Cleaver - YouTube

NOOOOOOO!!! The company runs the credit as a successful way to crowdsource funds for their in production films by offering an “The film was slated for a 2009 release, but filming was delayed until January 2010.

Gingerdead Man vs. The fourth film in the Gingerdead Man franchise is a crossover with another While the club's owner, Trixie, tells the skaters she has to close it down due to taxes, the Gingerdead Man kills three car-washing bimbos, Doreen, Connie and Sandy, by connecting the hose to a tank of The Gingerdead Man kills the shoe clerk, Leroy, with a meat cleaver in the bathroom and mixes up the DJ Angel's cocaine with cleaning product, killing her and takes over the music for the “Saturday night cleaver”. Directed by William Butler. Phelous Administrator. Keep up the great work.

April 10, 2014 at 4:35 am. Sign In; Add to My List. WilliamButler Old Man.

The man punches him.The Gingerdead Man gets marked down at the bakery and bought by a depressed person.The Gingerdead Man is about to stab a girl but then realizes that his heart is made of gingerbread and can't pump the blood required for living, let alone stabbing someone, and dies.No one buys the Gingerdead Man at a bake sale. It was co-written, directed, and produced by William Butler (who also stars) and was released on September 13, 2011, by producer Charles Band. YOU HAVE CREATED A MONSTER, AN ABSOLUTE MONSTER!Something Awful is in the process of changing hands to a new owner. Gingerdead Man 5: Sweet Revenge Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver. "Why bother?" Share. But not your Brady Strategy Guides.The goons like their fiction like they like their orange juice: all pulp.The Something Awful front page news tackles anything both off and on the Internet. The quip echoes faintly through an empty room.Eaten by someone who finally says the titular line, "you're the GingerDEAD Man now! "Closeup of Charles Band slumped in a lawn chair drinking Black Label straight from the bottle. The next Gingerdead Man will be a crossover.

"Well, I'm a baked EVIL!" Log in to Reply. In the meantime we're pausing all updates and halting production on our propaganda comic partnership with Northrop Grumman.Yes, there are finally enough games for a new round of One Sentence ReviewsPlay your entire PS1 library from a single SD card. Who the hell even makes gingerbread men anymore?The Gingerdead Man falls behind a couch, landing in a pile of coins and rubber bands and stuff.Police corner the Gingerdead Man in a candy shop but decide to let him live because none of them can stand the candy shop smell. Log in to Reply. He eventually goes stale and gets fed to a dog.The Gingerdead Man is eaten by a fat man on his Weight Watchers free day.The Gingerdead Man gets a fatal case of diabetes due to his body being 95% sugar.Someone bakes the Gingerdead Man with the wrong kind of yeast or something. Register. The Gingerdead Man tells someone "bite me" - big mistake! The gingerdead man travels back in time to 1976 and carries out an epic disco killing spree.

"You've heard of baked goods," an aging, disheveled Gingerdead Man growls. Gingerdead Man 3: Saturday Night Cleaver

The Gingerdead Man messes up the prank and the bucket falls on Tammy instead. April 8, 2014 at 4:49 pm. he sighs.BLACK LIVES MATTER!!! The Gingerdead Man gets marked down at the bakery and bought by a depressed person.

Mostly "on" though, as we're all incredible nerds. At the Scientific Research Institute for the Study of Homicidal Baked Goods, The Gingerdead Man is visited by He arrives at a Roller Disco Beauty Pageant in 1976 and can not get the remote to work to get him out, so he decides to kill. Here are the endings to every movie in the franchise so far.Someone punches or just sort of pokes the Gingerdead Man, exploiting his one weakness of being a man made of gingerbread.An old lady serves the Gingerdead Man to some kids, who pretend to eat him while the old lady talks about her dead husband.The Gingerdead Man tells someone "bite me" - big mistake!