This box is known to contain a few keepsakes, including a bundle of letters (some, or all, of which are believed to be from a young Quote: "Don't do what you will, do what I tells you." Granny Weatherwax is one of Terry Pratchett's most prolific recurring characters. She occasionally performs astounding feats of magic, such as putting a kingdom to sleep for fifteen years. The only thing which repeatedly defeats Granny is her flying broomstick.

It refuses to start smoothly, despite dwarfs replacing both handle and sticks.

Granny Weatherwax is one of Terry Pratchett's most prolific recurring characters. During borrowing, a witch sends her mind into an animal and watches the world through its eyes. She was an unholy terror. It's quite a strain, but it was supposed to be impossible. Currencies are for browsing purposes only. A witch might also do borrowing when she's bored and wants to ride in a forest animal's mind for a little while. This has practical uses such as surveillance of the goings-on in the village (see Granny Weatherwax, in Lords and Ladies). It refuses to start smoothly, despite dwarfs replacing both handle and sticks. As this technique renders her own body totally dormant, she now wears a small cardboard sign with the words "I Aten't Dead" on it to … She maintains, however, that it "will be Right as Rain with a bit of work" [sic]. She also claimed it was impossible to catch a sword in your hand without being hurt but did just that shortly afterwards (although there was an element of trickery involved; she moved the wound through time).

Granny Weatherwax has the ability to "borrow" the minds of living things. She is a very powerful witch, and is reckoned to be more powerful than the most well-known witch on the Discworld, Granny Weatherwax's prowess and reputation has led to her being recognized as the leader (or After Granny grew up, she was adamant about becoming a Witch; as she reveals in Granny is estimated to be in her seventies during the events of Granny Weatherwax passes away early in the events of Granny Weatherwax, if she can help it, wears a plain black dress, a somewhat battered black cloak and a tall, pointed witch's hat, skewered to her 'iron-hard grey Granny Weatherwax has a near-unshakeable belief in her own abilities, which has proven accurate, and an extreme distrust of stories. Generally considered one of the most powerful witches alive, Granny rarely uses her magic in earnest, but will use it for minor effects such as lifting and moving objects, reading minds, and starting fires.

Granny likes to borrow, a special kind of magic where the user enters the mind of an animal and can see through the eyes of that animal. Despite her power, Granny Weatherwax rarely uses magic in any immediately recognizable form. As a young woman, she was briefly romantically involved with Mustrum Ridcully . She is a very powerful witch, and is reckoned to be more powerful than the most well-known witch on the Discworld, Granny Weatherwax's reputation even extends beyond species barriers – the trolls of the Ramtops call her Granny Weatherwax nursed her mother until the time of her death, and is a distant cousin to Galder Weatherwax, a former Archchancellor of the She has recruited at least one apprentice in her time, Granny's broom is famous for being old and temperamental. She was intended by nature to be a "Granny appreciates practicality and hard work over the bells and whistles of so-called "Granny Weatherwax feels little need for personal possessions and keeps most of them in a single wooden box. Granny has been described as incapable of harming a child. Note: all transactions will be processed with sterling currency.

She has starred in six Discworld novels (Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. There's never been …

Knowing what is Right is the bedrock of Granny Weatherwax and it is this that keeps her from using her considerable psychic and occult abilities and has, thus far, been the primary limiting factor on her power. This is not an unusual situation on the Discworld, where spelling and punctuation are variously regarded as optional extras or creative arts. These forms include some of those most commonly associated with Wizardry, including She has, however, ignited a log by glaring at it until it combusted out of pure embarrassment. As she explains in In addition to the limitations imposed by her morality, it has been previously stated that there are some forms of magic that Granny Weatherwax cannot do, either through inability or aversion.

She claims it keeps her head warm. She has starred in six Discworld novels (Watson, J., Lydon, S. J. and Harrison, N. A.

She has even borrowed a beehive, considered one of the most difficult minds to borrow due to it being spread over many bodies, and even borrows the mind of the She has even been known to be able to detect the memories of Granny Weatherwaxes living in alternative realities, but only at points in time when the walls between her world and other worlds are particularly thin. However it is simpler for her to trick people into believing she has cursed them, then letting them assume her responsible for the next bit of bad luck that happens to befall them; given her reputation this tends to ca… You is the only known cat on the It has been said that Granny Weatherwax bears some similarity to (The name and personality of Granny Weatherwax are possibly a reference to "The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" by Despite her power, Granny Weatherwax rarely uses magical power in any immediately recognizable form.