XboxOne Was this review helpful? I don't know if it's just me, judging by all the reviews giving it from 8/10 to 10/10, but this movie didn't even come close to scaring me. All Harry Potter Movies Ranked Worst to Best by Tomatometer All in the name of good television, they voluntarily lock themselves inside the building for the night and begin a paranormal investigation, capturing everything on camera. Below are my lists of positives and negatives for the film.A cada minuto que pasaba, decía: "para que hacen este tipo de cosas, ensucian la historia del cine". Please enter your birth date to watch this video: This movies does both.

Now, I started this movie all the way back in 2012/2013 when it was on Netflix, and I judged it a bit quickly like a few of my other horror film opinions from when I was an edgy thirteen year old. Was this review helpful? Okay well, after watching many of these films with the typical hand-held camera style I can be confident in saying that this is probably one of, if not the worst I have seen. Very disappointed I had kind of high expectations on "Grave Encounters" all the good IMDb reviews promised an entertaining docu-style film. Was this review helpful? Our guide was Olivia, who narrated the tour in an excellent British accent, which was even better because she was born in Boston. Found footage, Japanese disturbia, schlock horror, et al et al. If I were teaching a class on film making I would show this as an example of how NOT to make a scary movie. I listen to old radio dramas. Running time: 1 hour 32 minutes. Also, the asylum's rooms, hallways, and doors can move around, causing a feeling of disorientation and claustrophobia. 111 out of 161 found this helpful. July 11, 2011 No asusta, no propone nada nuevo, es un completo desastre. As a film Grave Encounters is very cheap, the characters are close to talentless.

Was this review helpful? The worst thing a movie can do is bore the audience and then anger them. Grave Encounters can't even pretend to be anything other than hopelessly derivative. Ghost & Vampire Tours .

Grave Encounters 2 is a solid follow up to the first film, scary, frightening, entertaining and outrageous. Doors swing open, and shapes glide through the darkness; food rots, and the sun fails to rise, most of it accompanied by unearthly howls and a careening, headache-inducing flashlight. March 30, 2015 I don't think I will ever understand why people watch a movie like this expecting something totally new and different and super high art to fulfill their overly pretentious taste and make them feel like true film critics- Please. September 13, 2011 November 2, 2014 If you do watch make sure its free but even then you are wasting 2 hours of your life. Copyright © Fandango. The films direction, plot and theme is nothing new or ground breaking and the acting not as raw as some of the better found footage movies but once this sub-genre dies out this one will not be lost and forgotten and might be named as one of the best found footage film of all time, it is sure on the top of my list.