Michael was eating a dog at the time and this was what made Laurie ill.In the beginning of "Part 6", there was a midwife named "Mary" who told Jamie to escape from Smith's Grove Sanitarium. She told her dad not to forget to pick up the pizza for dinner. What is the name of the Celtic harvest festival that many people believe Halloween is based on? David Gordan Green. What was Michael dressed up as at the very beginning of "Halloween"?How did Michael kill nurse Karen in 'Halloween II' (1981)?Before Michael is meant to leave his sanatorium, he was investigated by a duo looking to profile him for which of these?Where did Michael attack and kill Annie Brackett when she was trying to go see her boyfriend, Paul, in "Halloween" (1978)?In the original "Halloween", Michael watches his older sister, Judith, and her boyfriend on the couch at the beginning of the movie. Who?At the beginning of the movie, paramedics from Smith's Grove arrive at Ridgemont Federal Sanitarium to pick up Michael. Its budget was so thin you could floss with it. When Budd got out to check the tub's temperature, he was strangled to death by Michael, who also killed Karen by continuously dunking her head into the scalding water. Is there any incidence of children killing due to the eating of candies given by stranger?32. 12. In which country kids use the phrase” trick or treat?14. By continuing to browse you are agreeing to the use of these cookies. 28) Halloween jump-started the career for which of the following people? He went upstairs to Judith's room and pulled on his clown mask. Laurie told Sheriff Brackett not to put any meat on the pizza. These questions help your brain popping up some new ideas. For those who want to learn about the events then Halloween is one of the events about which you know the 5. She had done a lot of work with John Carpenter (director/writer of "Halloween") on other films of his.It was Dr. Hoffman, who was played by Michael Pataki. Show Answer. Laurie suddenly became ill and ran upstairs to the bathroom to vomit. It's time to answer some cool questions about Halloween (1978). General Halloween trivia questions Which immigrants came to America and thought that Pumpkins were easy to carve on Halloween than potatoes? From the easy to the tough, this range of puzzling questions should challenge even the most knowledgeable of Hallowe'en experts.

You could have something of a crisis of faith - ask yourself if you are not holding onto old ideas because they support... Higgypop.com brings you the latest on the paranormal, conspiracies, urban exploration and weird news. General Halloween trivia questions 1. Where is Transylvania where Halloween is celebrated?25.

In the original "Halloween" it is never once stated why Michael wants too kill Laurie Strode.She was one of the sisters of Michael Myers, who was the killer. Test your knowledge with our quiz list of Halloween Trivia questions and answers. Michael is trying to kill Laurie because she is his sister. to the quiz link under the stated answer and then click "Report error" at the bottom of that page. "Halloween" (2018) ignored all other films in the "Halloween" franchise's continuity except which of the following?What was the name of Michael's sister whom he killed when he was six years old in "Halloween" (1978)?The actual mask used for Michael Myers is based of the facial features of this long time Hollywood actor. The next time is towards the end of part 2, after they blast him again, he proceeds to scalpel the first guy who checks his pulse. Halloween movie trivia questions and answers. In which state it is illegal to dress for Halloween?74. There comes the apostrophe in Halloween do you know where?8. Does the word which means in Halloween celebration?47. We're the number one site for reviews of paranormal TV and the home of the Paranormal Entertainment Awards.Every Halloween you dig out or stream your favourite classic horror movies, you've probably seen them over and over again, but how much do you remember about them?Test your knowledge with these twenty question about some of the greatest horror films of all time, from Stephen King classics, to more recent supernatural thrillers.Sign up to the Higgypop newsletter to find out about new videos and exclusive content first.This website uses cookies. As he entered her room, Judith began admonishing him for being there, as she was not clothed. Here are 100 fun movie trivia questions with answers, covering Disney movies, horror films, and even '80s movies trivia. Is pumpkin a fruit or vegetable? Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. The duo ended up visiting Laurie Strode next and she, at her isolated but fortified house in the woods outside of Haddonfield, refused to answer most of their questions (though she took a $3,000 appearance fee from them). He only walks for a little bit, I know, but nevertheless, nobody expects him to get up and try to walk off the explosion. Related quizzes can be found here: Halloween Quizzes Other related sub-topics of interest: Answer: The American tradition of trick or treating dates back to the 1920s but in Europe, as early as the 16th century people were known to go from door to door on Halloween …