The character is wildly intelligent, but due to her stature a number of behemoths try to take her on. Ms. Marvel boasts incredible elastic abilities, but she's struggled to find her own arch nemesis. Alden Quench is a servant of Mandrakk who tries to steal the Conflict Engine from Firebrand. kept in the Colony, who was subsequently murdered by fellow captive, Fist Point. Doctor Dome is an eccentric mad scientist from Plastic Man's early adventures, but he never made a big impact on the hero.In the original comic, Ma'alefa'ak is easily Martian Manhunter's most notorious foe.

Usually related in some way to the planet Thanagar, Hawkman traditionally wields weapons of archaic origin and wears large wings that grant him flight. One of the Demons Three. The two of them don't make for the most exciting showdown.Gambit has always been one of the X-Men with the most appeal and there's a reason that FOX was trying to get a Gambit movie off the ground for the better part of a decade. Fel Andar A spy for the Crime Syndicate who infiltrated A.R.G.U.S.

Superboy has been able to do Superman justice, but he's seriously in need of a Lex Luthor Jr., or some other foe who has dedicated his life to destroying Superboy.The Masked Marauder is basically just a super petty guy in a costume who holds a grudge against Ted Kord.

However, in spite of the villain's persistence, there's a major disconnect between these two and they don't share the emotional resonance that great rivals should.Black Widow has always been a crucial cog in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s machine, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe has helped push her fame to new heights. Pre-DC's New 52, Artemis Crock was a villain who most notably had run-ins with Stargirl, Hawkgirl, and the JSA. Zatanna's fought against Allura, Ember, and Nicolas Nolan, but none of these have made for deeply satisfying battles.Iron Man is a major star as far as the Marvel Cinematic Universe is concerned, but in the comics he doesn't exactly experience the strongest cross-section of villains.

Zzzax was a particularly misguided attempt to give the Hulk a genetically engineered foe, but the electric-based Zzzax never really stuck. Came Back Strong: Invoked and enforced. 14 Weak Arch Enemies: Hawkman (Hath-Set) Via Katar Hol If Tony Stark has any sort of archenemy (besides his own inner demons), it would be the Mandarin.

He was infected by a nanotoxin in the Joker's bloodstream upon his enemy's death, and the combination of the Joker's depravity and Bruce Wayne's tactical mind created the deadliest villain his planet had ever seen. As a teenager, the orphaned Charles Edmund Parker idolized Hawkman. Not only is he the Martian brother of J'onn J'onzz, but he's turned into an outcast of his race and devises a plague that sets Martians on fire whenver they use telepathy.

Zatanna's fought against Allura, Ember, and Nicolas Nolan, but none of these have made for deeply satisfying battles.Iron Man is a major star as far as the Marvel Cinematic Universe is concerned, but in the comics he doesn't exactly experience the strongest cross-section of villains. Such is the case with Hawkeye's Crossfire, another precise sharp shooter. Battle Couple: With Hawkman. Gambit has no real Big Bad and this realization is probably one of the roadblocks the film encountered. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.

The ultimate physical specimen, Captain Nazi is an incomparable athlete and a master of hand to hand combat.

However, in spite of the villain's persistence, there's a major disconnect between these two and they don't share the emotional resonance that great rivals should.Black Widow has always been a crucial cog in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s machine, but the Marvel Cinematic Universe has helped push her fame to new heights. He's a reflection of a simpler time for comics when resembling a bird was more than enough of a personality.

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Hawkman vol.

send you an email once approved.Carter Hall Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. Anti-Matter Man is a powerful being that came from the anti-matter universe of Qward

Gambit has no real Big Bad and this realization is probably one of the roadblocks the film encountered. Ms. Marvel takes her cues from Captain Marvel, but tells a humbler story about inclusivity.

Just like how the grounded Hawkeye fails to impress some audiences, the same can be said for Crossfire. He is a longtime foe of Captain Marvel as well as being the archenemy of Captain Marvel Jr. Man-Elephant is an extremely silly low-tier villain, but he's one that repeatedly tries to foil She-Hulk.