His hair length changes according to his release states from short to knee length. Alucard is extremely devoted to Integra Hellsing, his current master and the Hellsing Organization's leader. As Anderson's pieces fall, Alucard closes his hand upon the heart and the Nail, destroying them both. However, he typically appears as a tall, long limbed, broad shouldered adult man of indeterminate but reasonably young age. Over the years, Alucard and Walter help her grow and mature into the leader and master she becomes. However, when Walter betrayed Hellsing, Alucard began to see him as a mere plaything, even going so far as to call Walter's younger vampiric body ugly and state that his elderly human body was "a thousand times more beautiful". 3. In the manga, however, Alucard states that he wishes to find an opponent, a human opponent, with sufficient willpower to destroy him despite his strength. Mehmed II, the leader of the Ottomans (who was well-known himself for his use of psychological warfare), was sickened by the sight of the corpses outside the Wallachian capital and ordered his forces back to Constantinople. For torturing people by impalement, it is alleged that his executioners learned how to have the victims placed so that the pikes, spears, or other shafts on which they had them impaled would pass most or all of the victim's vital organs, entering their lower nether regions and exiting near the back of their neck. Alucard Quotes. Alucard has expressed extreme disgust with the vampires he has been hunting for the last 100 years, especially when they kill without purpose. Alucard also states that dog shit would do in a pinch, after successfully fooling Walter into attacking his double which was Luke's body. The Captain is a tall man on par with Alucard and Anderson. When Luke was used by Walter against Alucard, he once again praises Luke for his skills and states that his talents were wasted being inside Baskerville, implying that Alucard regretted not making Luke into a familiar instead of letting him rot inside of Baskerville. However, Alucard's power is not unleashed until he incants the words written on his coffin, "The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to make me tame." However, in Hellsing: The Dawn, chapter 4, Walter questioned Alucard's girly form and asked if he is still half asleep, in which Alucard answered "I can change my shape into anything. Before he can do so, however, Integra wakes up and unloads a handgun into him, knocking him to the floor. She also strongly objects to Alucard's unnecessary cruelty towards human beings. In the final chapter, Alucard re-appears in Integra's bedroom after a 30-year absence. 1.

Alucard inadvertently absorbs his soul as he drinks, and when he does, The Major claims that Alucard has lost. In the final minutes of his fight against vampire Walter Dornez, Alucard adopts his "Girlycard" form to mock Walter's age-regression. Alucard also has great respect for humans who have the willpower to endure old age and death because he had none of these qualities when he faced death. Alucard is also capable of appearing as he did during his reign as Vlad Dracula. In this form he appeared as his former, 45-year-old self with a thick beard and mustache. As Integra and Seras leave to storm the Alucard continues to absorb the city's dead as Walter vertically bisects him with his wires, which is as futile as his other attacks.

As is commonly seen among vampires, Alucard possesses blood red eyes, which may glow when he is experiencing strong emotions. An example is shown in volume 2 when Alucard fights However, even with his incredible powers, it is possible to take Alucard by surprise, usually because of his arrogance. The Captain is the Major's silent, stoic adjutant and bodyguard. He became famous and feared for punishing and impaling evildoers and those who opposed his methods in his own lands and abroad, for waging a war against the Muslims in hopes of bringing down "the New Jerusalem," and for sacrificing his troops and his people to achieve his own goals. In his level one form, he usually wears the black leather coat/straightjacket seen right before Integra released the vampire from his captivity in the dungeon of Hellsing HQ. He believed that if he and his men put forth great enough effort and sacrificed enough, God himself would intervene on their behalf. He has snow white hair, bloody red eyes, and somewhat tanned skin. As such, Integra is the only person whom Alucard will obey. He became infuriated when Anderson stabbed himself in the heart with the In conjunction, Alucard also holds a great affinity for humans who take pride in themselves, often expressing his desire to die by a human/mortal. One thing to keep in mind is the fact that Mina was his fledgling, until Alucard's defeat, which caused the curse on her to weaken (although his essence still remained inside her).

Impaling his enemies from groin to mouth was common practice for Vlad III The Impaler (Vlad Ţepeş, also known as Dracula). Walter explains to his former family how he has betrayed Hellsing of his own free will, and Alucard tells him sorrowfully that his old body was far more beautiful than his new, immortal one. One of Alucard's alternate forms resembles a little girl, which is often nicknamed "Girlycard." These include his own Wallachian army, his slaughtered peasantry, the Turkish Janissary, war horses, and countless others. His attire changes from his usual suit to a full set of gunmetal grey plate armor sans the helm, and a tattered black cape with red inlay and a high collar.

He also occasionally wears a red fedora with a wide, floppy brim and a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed orange sunglasses with goggle sidings. After Luke is eaten by the Baskerville, Alucard says he was nothing but dog shit. Even in battle or enduring pain, the werewolf's expressions do not change much.

Thus, Alucard, now containing Schrödinger, can no longer stay in phase with the rest of reality and is becoming "a set of imaginary numbers", existing on some level but not in reality. Unknown to Alucard, Schrödinger commits suicide as Alucard drinks the city's dead, combining his remains into the river of human blood flowing to Alucard.