Posted by 2 days ago. 45. He then goes to Alaric's secret weapons room and grabs at least things, asking Hope what she's going to do to stop him, and Hope sends him to the box with Alaric. The two consult Alaric, who tells the two that they should leave him desiccated as they have no idea what kind of vampire he could be. At first glance, Kaleb can be seen as your average pumped-up jock, but he has a dark, impulsive side to himself. He smiles as he finds out she's resurrected, but is waved away by her as he tries to ask if she wants to do something with him later. Later, he and Jed are trying to move piano, but are interrupted by Alyssa. — Kol reflecting on his time possessing Kaleb in Behind the Black Horizon.

He walks with Alaric into the office and tells Alaric he bought the speech. His age was not mentioned in the series, but he appears to be in his late teens or in his early twenties. He says either he trusts him or shoot, with Alaric shooting a snake nearby, leaving Kaleb somewhat rattled. Kaleb attempted to evade and even threaten those who confronted him about his ways of feeding and his behavior, but this recently landed him imprisoned in his boarding school's jail-like cellar. This new reality, however, is apocalyptic, where supernaturals had been exposed by Klaus Mikaelson and Triad Industries restlessly hunt and them. They are currently close friends and allies. As he was lying in the street bleeding, he realized that there was some chance that he would be come a vampire and he knew that his father would kill him if he transformed. — Kaleb to MG in The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do. However, Kaleb learned how genuine of a friend MG could be and he grew to enjoy spending time with MG. Due to the supernatural events happening to their school in the first season of "Legacies", they allied with each other against said-forces.

Did no one ever ask about Kaleb and Vincent. Sebastian is able to extend his telepathic link to communicate with Kaleb, who asks him what he did to deserve desiccation and what type of vampire he is. It ain't about power or blood or being better than other people. Kaleb and Jed argue yet again until MG is told it's about Alyssa, not the vampire-werewolf conflict. 13 comments. They then wait as Lizzie resurrects and listens as MG explains the Plan B to Lizzie. 55. At first, Kaleb thought little of MG and frequently competed with him, especially by using their vampire abilities. Caleb was a defrocked preacher and misogynistic serial killer who served the First Evil as its leading enforcer during its crusade to end the Slaye… He was a member of the French Quarter Coven who was under the possession of the spirit of the Original vampire, Kol Mikaelson, until both of their deaths at the hands of Finn Mikaelson. A hard life. Later, he stands by as Jed asks if they can stop her like all the others monsters, with Kaleb coming to him and bringing Jed outside for some air.

He and Alaric manage to get out of the simulation, heading to the gymansium. He and Jed begin interviewing various people for Lizzie's memorial video, but they don't really come upon exactly positive memories for her. His ways of feeding off of humans, more recently, has landed him in trouble at his boarding school and with local law enforcement. While Alaric regains his memories, Kaleb wonders what's wrong with him. But there would obviously be consequences because of nature having to do something with “balance”. He never gets chance to, however, as In an attempt to capture Sebastian, Kaleb works with Kym and MG to trap Sebastian by using Kym as bait. ―Caleb. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. " Last year, when Esther first brought us back, I got put in the body of a gormless twit. " Possessing his body, Kol developed a romantic relationship with Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

I have to give him credit for that. Still in the simulation, he asks how long he's been trying to go over the wall. When Jed tries to talk about Alyssa, Kaleb tells him he's not going to talk about that subject with him, grabbing the equipment and walking away. So much filth inside your head, ain't no room for the words of truth." He also does care about the other students that are not vampires, as he confided in Alaric that besides vampires needing human blood, witches need to learn offensive magic so they can protect each other and themselves from the oncoming threats they encounter. Kaleb possesses all the standard powers and abilities of a non-Original vampire. Kaleb Hawkins is a vampire that debuted on the second episode of the first season of Legacies. If i’m not wrong and can remember, it goes something like this… Alaric used the Gilbert Ring to bring him back from the dead a lot. He went from being a slave to running a vampire empire and basically running the city. He suggests they work together and split the elixir. Due to Kaleb being a host for the spirit of Kol Mikaelson until his death, none of his true personality had a chance to be revealed. Kaleb possessed all the standard powers and abilities of a Kaleb had no relationship with Davina until his possession by Kol. share. I'm not here to lecture you. The singing segment has the audience laughing and Lizzie comes between the two. While in the box, he gets confronted by Alaric and under the simulation, Kaleb speaks with an English accent and offers assistance to Alaric.

What's the point? Afterwards, he sits and listens to Alaric's speech, saddened by the events that have taken place. He has brown eyes and long black hair seen in dreads, but is usually put up in a ponytail. As MG heads into the abandoned trailer, he and Jed argue more. Kaleb strongly believes in his own philosophy, "vamps before tramps," which often gets him into sticky situations.