She was 37. He said that during treatment for an infection, doctors found she was having constant seizures.Evans was put into a medically induced coma on April 19 because of seizures, her husband wrote. "I keep hoping it's a nightmare from which I'll awake. "Evans was the author of several books, including "Faith Unraveled," "The Year of Biblical Womanhood," "Searching for Sunday" and "Inspired." She was also a featured contributor to the CNN Belief Blog where she wrote articles discussing "This is a dream come true for any writer, of course, but even more meaningful than making the elusive 'list' has been hearing the stories of readers impacted by the book," Evans wrote in On April 19, Evans' husband, Daniel, began posting updates about her health on her blog. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. ""I keep hoping it's a nightmare from which I'll awake. In 2015, She is survived by her husband and two children. Over the next 10 days and transfers between three facilities, Evans was comatose. But how did Rachel Held Evans die? Christian Author Rachel Held Evans Dies At 37 Evans had been placed in a medically induced coma after a severe allergic reaction to antibiotics.

Doctors began weaning Evans off coma medication Tuesday, but she "did not return to an alert state during this process," her husband wrote. Her husband, Daniel Evans, had been updating on her blog about her health, writing that she had been placed in a medically-induced coma. Evans was in medically induced coma. A medical team found "extensive swelling of her brain" and took emergency action. GoFundMe She spent more than a decade writing about what she described as "faith, doubt and life in the Bible Belt" on her blog. "This entire experience is surreal," Daniel Evans wrote. Rachel's presence in this world was a gift to us all and her work will long survive her." "This swelling event caused severe damage and ultimately was not survivable. Being with her to the end is one of the greatest honors of my life. Find out what's happening in the world as it unfolds.The Dayton, Tennessee, native wrote books that examined faith, doubt and life in the Bible Belt, her website states.

Rachel Held Evans, a popular, progressive Christian writer who challenged the traditional evangelical views, died Saturday, her husband confirmed in a blog post. "The hospital team worked to diagnose the primary cause of her seizures and proactively treated for some known possible causes for which diagnostics were not immediately available due to physical limitations," he wrote. Evans’ Husband Dan Evans Described His Wife’s Passing as ‘Surreal’ & ‘a Nightmare’ Dan … "I cannot express how much the support means to me and our kids. To everyone who has prayed, called, texted, driven, flown, given of themselves physically and financially to help ease this burden: Thank you. "The team worked until Friday afternoon to the best of their ability to save her," Daniel wrote. Rachel Held Evans, noted American Christian blogger, author and speaker, died at 37 on Saturday, May 4 after spending weeks in a medically-induced coma. On April 19, Evans' husband, Daniel, began posting updates about her health on her blog. I'm grateful to you all for your words of comfort and love. Rachel Held Evans, a best-selling author who challenged conservative Christianity and gave voice to a generation of wandering evangelicals wrestling with their faith, died … Tributes to her poured out online with the hashtags #BecauseOfRHE and #PrayForRHE. Rachel Held Evans, a popular, progressive Christian writer who challenged the traditional evangelical views, died Saturday, her husband confirmed in a blog post. I feel like I'm telling someone else's story.
Tragically, she passed away on May 4th.