Short-term prestress loss is mainly due to the elastic shortening of concrete, friction between tendon and tendon duct, slip at anchorages after prestressing, and wobble effect etc.Long-term prestress loss is also called time dependent prestress loss, which occurs during service stage of a bridge. Alternatively, or in addition, the pipes can be coated with urethane or epoxy.
The most common are coupled joints, when joints are filled usually by epoxy resin.The principle of construction by the incremental launching method is to concrete the deck on the ground in a succession of segments, located at one or both ends of the bridge. Tendons may be full-length bonded to the surrounding concrete or rock once tensioned, or (more commonly) have strands permanently encapsulated in corrosion-inhibiting grease over the free-length to permit long-term load monitoring and re-stressability.Circular storage structures such as silos and tanks can use prestressing forces to directly resist the outward pressures generated by stored liquids or bulk-solids. Prestressed concrete is used in a wide range of building and civil structures where its improved performance can allow for longer Pre-tensioned concrete is a variant of prestressed concrete where the tendons are tensioned Unlike those of post-tensioned concrete (see below), the tendons of pre-tensioned concrete elements generally form straight lines between end-anchorages. Prestressed concrete is a structural material that allows for predetermined, engineering stresses to be placed in members to counteract the stresses that occur when they are subject to loading. Works hydrostatic proof pressure is required to be applied for at least one minute.Joints for prestressed concrete pressure pipes are usually of the socket and spigot O-ring push fit type. Once the single span exceeds 200 ft, alternate multiple span arrangements should be considered. Several durability-related events are listed below: Made of high strength steel, it will soon be embedded in concrete.

Other installation methods, such as dry lay-up, may lead to inadequate fiber saturation and delamination of the CFRP system. Blast containment walls, such as for Heavily loaded concrete ground-slabs and pavements can be sensitive to cracking and subsequent traffic-driven deterioration. In ordinary reinforced concrete, stresses are carried by the steel reinforcement, whereas prestressed concrete supports the load by induced str… Tendons are grouted to the concrete or rock at their far (internal) end, and have a significant "de-bonded" free-length at their external end which allows the tendon to stretch during tensioning. If the magnitude of the prestress is designed to always exceed the tensile stresses produced by the loadings, a permanent residual compression will exist in the wall concrete, assisting in maintaining a watertight crack-free structure.Prestressed concrete has been established as a reliable construction material for high-pressure containment structures such as nuclear reactor vessels and containment buildings, and petrochemical tank blast-containment walls. In very aggressive cases the pipes may need to be cathodically protected. Where strands are bundled to form a single unbonded tendon, an enveloping duct of plastic or galvanised steel is used and its interior free-spaces grouted after stressing. Connections can be made after the pipeline has been laid and while the pipe is in operation although to avoid shutdown, tees have to be incorporated in the line as it is laid.Cracking of the mortar coating does not occur under normal operating conditions (up to the design operating pressures and external loads), but it may occur if the design operating conditions are accidentally exceeded through pipeline operational errors. Each segment of the construction is prestressed to the previously completed part of the structure (In the case of in situ construction, each segment is cast in situ using a formwork usually suspended from a steel frame supported by the previously cast segment. Prestressed concrete is a form of concrete used in construction. Prestressed concrete was invented and patented in 1886 by Henry Jackson, a San Francisco engineer. The mean types of joints are coupled joints, mortared joints, and in situ concrete joints. Some notable building structures constructed from prestressed concrete include: Concrete is the most popular structural material for bridges, and prestressed concrete is frequently adopted.In short-span bridges of around 10 to 40 metres (30 to 130 ft), prestressing is commonly employed in the form of precast pre-tensioned Concrete dams have used prestressing to counter uplift and increase their overall stability since the mid-1930s.Most commonly, dam prestressing takes the form of post-tensioned anchors drilled into the dam's concrete structure and/or the underlying rock strata.

This would involve the provision of electrical continuity to the prestressing wires, the steel cylinder and joint rings at the ends of each pipe so that these can be bonded together electrically after the pipe is laid. The concrete deck is suitable for medium spans because the cost of concrete is relatively low but its weight increases the dead load of the bridge thus requiring larger dimensions for cables, pylons, piers, and anchorage structures. Wet lay-up is the procedure considered best practice as an installation method.

In order to limit its weight and avoid problems with deformation during construction, the length of each segment is limited to between 3 and 5 m. The length of the segment at the piers is approximately twice the length of a subsequent segment.

Significant among these include: a minimum number of (intrusive) supporting walls or columns; low structural thickness (depth), allowing space for services, or for additional floors in high-rise construction; fast construction cycles, especially for multi-storey buildings; and a low cost-per-unit-area, to maximise the building owner's return on investment.