3 People talking Join In Now Join the conversation! Since it’s been a few weeks since I last shared a Just two ingredients is all it takes to whip these babies up – vodka and lemonade, couldn’t see that coming could you? I think about how much vodka I like in a drink (About a 1/4 of the glass) and then I fill the picture up the same, like it's a really tall glass. You actually get an entire gallon of lemonade out of 4 large lemons. This easy vodka lemonade is the perfect drink for sipping on lazy, hot afternoons. I usually go with 30 ml of vodka to about 150 ml of lemonade. Have some fun with your mixers, and don’t be afraid to toss some ice along with the drink into a blender for a slushy take on your favorite mixed drink.To make it easier, use a three-piece shaker with a strainer. When I do that, I just eye it up honestly. SERVES: 8-16. If the original recipe says it makes one gallon, then you multiply all ingredients by 5. You can also make this cocktail with hibiscus tea and vodka and lemonade. I use Crystal Lite to go low cal, and there are NO carbs :) Enjoy- I'll be drink the same tonight! Once shaken well and served over ice, garnish with a slice of lemon. Hey guys! I just like the idea of homemade lemonade a little bit more – it makes this vodka lemonade seem a little extra special. I used my homemade lemonade in this vodka lemonade but you could use store-bought. READY IN: 20mins. A gallon does not last 24 hours in our house! Whether you’re following a vodka drink recipe or resorting to your favorite, easy vodka cocktail recipe, properly mixing the drink takes it to a new level. For a spicy kick, add a touch of cayenne pepper. Vodka and lemonade is yummy. View her work at www.mmollyharris.com. Add a sprig of any herb or garnish with citrus peel or cut fruit.For a new take on pink vodka lemonade, try mixing hibiscus lemonade, vodka and a splash of pomegranate juice. For added flair, rim the glass with sugar.Molly is a freelance journalist and social media consultant. Sometimes you just gotta slip a little something extra in your drink, ya know? You have to figure out how much the recipe makes then multiply to make it equal 5 gallons. Source (s): The glass i use for drinking is only 180 ml and I'll usually only have one standard drink at a time. To begin making a drink, fill the shaker, no more than halfway, with ice cubes. how much vodka in a 5 gallon container of lemonade? https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/20493/rebeccas-rockin-vodka-lemonade UNITS: US. Get Vodka Lemonade Recipe from Food Network You can also find 1000s of Food Network's best recipes from top chefs, shows and experts. Sprite adds a bubbly component while sweetening the drink and contributing to the lemony flavor.Sprite and vodka go well together, but use a bit of lemon concentrate instead for a brighter, more vivid flavor.

If you’re serving the drink on the rocks, first place fresh ice in the glass. Close the shaker and shake firmly for 30 to 45 seconds, using both hands to secure both pieces of the shaker. Lemonade can sometimes be too weak to mix well with vodka, so swapping in lemon concentrate is a great alternative if it’s properly sweetened. Sometimes you just gotta slip a little something extra in your drink, ya know?Plus, I always have a million lemons on my counter so I have to use them up somehow.This is a really great vodka for cocktails and I’m stoked to have it part of my arsenal for mixing drinks. Your recipe probably calls for vodka and doesn't mention the proof. To make a lemon drop drink, a famously refreshing cocktail, combine 2 parts vodka with 1 part fresh lemon juice. If the shaker is too full, the ingredients won’t have enough room to mix well and infuse with the flavor of added aromatics. And watch videos demonstrating recipe prep and cooking techniques. She is the former assistant editor of the Design and Style section of Paste magazine.
The shaker itself can even be chilled to ensure the drink is very cold.Next, pour in all the ingredients. The opinions and text are all mine. In addition to Leaf.tv, Molly has written for Teen Vogue and Paste magazine.