It was a white coat with a mandarin collar, green chest and sleeves, buttoning up near the right breast pocket. She is a little person who leaves a large mess in her wake, be it her large collection of alien tech or the bodies and armor of her fallen enemies. Pidge Gunderson is a natter user who has been around since 2015, but was under the name @ging.
She makes no obvious effort to style it, so her hair spikes outwards at the back and obscures her face as unruly bangs. She has brown eyes, fair skin, and disheveled light brown hair. Hunk and Pidge get along due to their common ground as science experts, Hunk's cheery demeanor balancing out Pidge's excitability, and their shared history as Galaxy Garrison cadets. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Pidge, real name Katie Holt, is one of the main protagonists of Voltron: Legendary Defender, a reboot of the Voltron anime series. She was also presumably able to create a convincing fake identification and history in order to infiltrate the Garrison under the name "Pidge Gunderson," and managed to lie her way past While not studying as a fighter pilot officially, Pidge read all the flight manuals she could find at the Galaxy Garrison and shows immediate skill piloting the Green Lion.

In her final appearance, Pidge is dressed for her science in a green v-neck tee, lab coat and big, blue-tinted glasses. Unlike the other Paladins, Pidge's Bayard offers more than just offensive power.
Pidge later deciphered the codes in Shrios arm, finding coordinates to the Pidge is a technical genius, and is more than capable of quickly learning how to operate advanced alien technology. She is agile, nimble, and uses a Pidge is surprisingly skilled in hand-to-hand combat, able to duel the veteran Galra soldier Haxus on even ground, and even scored a decisive blow against Sendak by cutting his prosthetic arm off with her Bayard. Her hair is light brown, short, and disheveled. Prior to her entry into the Garrison, Pidge had long hair and wore a purple dress. Although they appear to be half-moon, it is revealed they are actually round when light reflects off of them. She is a strategic fighter, and a highly intelligent, versatile hacker and inventor who disguised herself as a boy named "Pidge Gunderson" to search for the truth about her missing family. So I watched Moana and lord that movie was AMAZING! The dress had puffy sleeves and a white pinafore layered over it. Pidge is a technological genius of the highest order and has even learned how to operate advanced alien technology on the fly. Katie's father and brother were lost on a mission to Pidge eventually developed machinery to pick up interstellar radio chatter, which allowed her to learn of After narrowly escaping a Galra attack, the group found themselves transported via wormhole to Shiro's reawakened memories of the monster revealed that he had injured Matt in order to ensure that he would not face the gladiator and be harmed or killed, something that Pidge was immensely grateful to Shiro for. She is always looking to improve upon what is around her, allowing her to adapt and thrive even in the most difficult or unconventional circumstances, even if it means dismantling alien tech and risking the lives of herself and those around her, such as when she cobbled together a tank of booster fuel for the pod that Hunk and Coran used to harvest a Balmeran crystal for the Castle Ship. Her bond deepened when she forgave Shiro for wounding her brother Matt in his gladiator days after Shiro explained that he did it to keep Matt from fighting in Zarkon's arena.