Such tips may still be useful to those who do not have access to hard mode yet, nor to all of the skills that it may take to do well in hard mode. If you have any problems defeating your doppelganger, look for profession specific tips below. Another alternative is using PvE-only skills.

chronoszero - 11 years ago. Acquiring the secondary profession gives you Please do not add strategies or builds that rely on the combination of a particular primary profession together with a particular secondary.

Hexes, enchantments, stances, and weapon skills that do damage to your opponent when it attacks can be useful if you use them and then do not attack yourself. Use ranged weapon attacks at melee range 1.

The following tactics are effective or helpful in defeating the doppelganger: Punish the doppleganger for attacking 1.

That is why it looks like he isn't losing any life. While there are myriad such approaches that will work, few players will happen to have your particular combination of a primary and secondary profession.

How do I beat Doppelganger?

Do be warned that many of the strategies listed below will fail in hard mode, especially if not in the hard mode subsections. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
GuildWiki has been locked down: anonymous editing and account creation are disabled. The following tactics are effective or helpful in defeating the doppelganger: The key to winning the battle is to bring skills that you can use more intelligently than it can.

Do be warned that many of the strategies listed below will fail in hard mode, especially if not in the hard mode subsections. If you have a well-developed secondary profession and are having trouble, you may wish to look at secondary profession tactics. Accepted Answer. Any class can defeat the doppelganger using only skills linked to the primary profession, though in hard mode, this is much more difficult for some classes than others. Showcasing how to defeat Doppelganger in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

The doppelganger …

If you have a well-developed secondary profession and are having trouble, you may wish to look at secondary profession tactics.

Leave any comments on the The following tactics are effective or helpful in defeating the doppelganger: Acquiring the secondary profession gives you Please do not add strategies or builds that rely on the combination of a particular primary profession together with a particular secondary. Throughout history, they’ve gone by many names, but whether you call it a doppelganger, or doppelgänger with the umlaut, evil twin, double, duplicate, lookalike, or imposter, seeing your evil alternate is a creepy, scary, unsettling experience—which is exactly why Peele’s movie is all about the terrifying tethered. Another alternative is using If you wish to take a new secondary profession for the specific purpose of defeating the doppelganger, the cheapest approach is to switch your secondary profession to mesmer. Another alternative is using If you wish to take a new secondary profession for the specific purpose of defeating the doppelganger, the cheapest approach is to switch your secondary profession to mesmer. When she crouches with her katana behind her, she will execute a dashing slash.

The doppelgangerwill have the same skills you equip and has 12 in every attribute. Such tips may still be useful to those who do not have access to hard mode yet, nor to all of the skills that it may take to do well in hard mode. While there are myriad such approaches that will work, few players will happen to have your particular combination of a primary and secondary profession. Any class can defeat the doppelganger using only skills linked to the primary profession, though in hard mode, this is much more difficult for some classes than others.

If you wish to take a new secondary profession for the specific purpose of defeating the …

If you have a well-developed secondary profession and are having trouble, you may wish to look at secondary profession tactics. User Info: chronoszero. Any class can defeat the doppelganger using only skills linked to the primary profession, though in hard mode, this is much more difficult for some classes than others.

Doppelganger will start the fight by doing a quick overhead slam with her katana.

Her magic abilities include a large flamethrower and summoning a dragon.

If you have any problems defeating your doppelganger, look for profession specific tips below. Advising them to go buy skills for a particular secondary profession is very wasteful. He won't lose any life!

Advising them to go buy skills for a particular secondary profession is very wasteful. If you have any problems defeating your doppelganger, look for profession specific tips below. Current registered users are unaffected. The doppleganger has new armor this time around, when you attack him his armor makes it so that his SP goes down instead of his health. The doppelganger effect takes this phenomenon a step further, so that a person may hallucinate that they are actually seeing and interacting with another “me” – a visual double.