If you use the real life Zombie examples that occur every day and apply them to a human, you will be able to take a pretty good guest at what Zombies will and won’t be able to do.

At the same time, slow and not-so-bright buddies will make for perfect zombie bait–and give you a better chance to escape unharmed.Well, the answer is simple, but that doesn’t make it any easier to bear. I enjoy reading other people’s take on how to survive. Great site!Weapons are the hard part.

Don’t Cheat!

You have already completed the quiz before. Know every exit out of your hometown and the quickest way to get there. We are always open for new ideas and learning, you can never be over prepared when the time comes….This is a great guide full of advice for those that are not prepared.

Speed is a great thing to use to your advantage, but keep in mind that they won’t run out of breath like you do. With David Elliot, Ian Vaughan Jones, Adam Troup.

If the Zombies follow you back to camp, you will need to be able to defend yourself and the rest of your party. Directed by Christopher Downie. We can easily access bats and knives and sometimes guns but the hard ones are grenades and rockets that kill herds one time.When shit hits the fan, buildings destroyed, government overwhelmed, … Tom Brown Tracker Take as many down as possible before they are within melee combat range.If the Zombies do get within melee range, then you will want some fast weapons that you can use to strike and keep moving. When thinking about how to survive a Zombie attack, always being armed is probably one of the biggest tips we can give you. A man, alone in a barren wasteland, encounters another survivor...as well as a zombie. Hence you can not start it again. During the apocalypse, you will never know when you may come under attack. Utility supplies including batteries, knife, can opener, torches, and matchesDon’t forget to add a phone, keys, enough gas in the car–Ensure that you’ve identified a safe assembling area and the easiest route to get there. If decapitation is impossible, aim to dismember them, crippling them enough to give yourself time to escape.There’s nothing worse than taking on a zombie invasion all by your lonesome, so make sure that you have a crew. It takes too long to kill them and can injure you in the process.Finally, in order to be extra prepared and gain some serious zombie knowledge, check out these videos below:Photo Of The Day: An Up-Close Look At The Capture Of Saddam HusseinWhat Stephen Hawking Thinks Threatens Humankind The Most

Before you check those out, here are some basic tips for escaping an undead onslaught: How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse: Have An Emergency Kit Ready Carry a weapon on your side wherever you go, and maybe have a knife as backup. You are in a much better position walking through the woods with someone else and a crossbow then you are walking along with a walking stick.As with anything in life, you are much better off if you come into a situation prepared. Use fire against a zombie. With great power comes great responsibility, and we expect to see you after the apocalypse so we can join forces and mount an attack. Look for a stiff gait caused by rigor mortis, open wounds from decomposing flesh, and a hunger for human flesh. How to Survive a Zombie Attack: O.K., your worried about the zombie apocolypse and you dont know what to do. Make sure that you have plenty of weapons for everyone in your party if you come upon a large scale attack.When it comes to weapons, you will want to take advantage of the fact that Zombies are much slower than you are. An impending zombie attack is no laughing matter. Blade Length : … Hopefully, you have already made a plan for your bug out and have your … Do you have the skills you would need to survive a zombie apocalypse? This is especially important if you are being attacked by a large group of Zombies. You want to be able to access your weapon quickly when the time comes.

If you can do some damage before they get to you, then you will have an easier fight.Guns and crossbows are also one of the keys to how to survive a Zombie attack. Have weapons ready and start to build picket fences around the area if you can.If you have teens and woman who cannot assist in Zombie attacks of hunting, have them cut timber and construct a fence around the camp. Would you outlast your neighbors are freinds? Overall Length : 11.90”

When people ask me how to survive a zombie attack, I tell them to just run!

Brooks' inspiration Put up a couple planks to walk across so that you can pick them off when they are trapped.When thinking about how to survive a Zombie attack, always being armed is probably one of the biggest tips we can give you.

Oh, and have a map in hand.Here’s hoping that you can either barricade yourself in or drive out of town, but in case you can’t, you’re going to have to be fit enough to run away.