How to Use the OFFSET Function in Microsoft Excel Written by co-founder Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Office Specialist.. Instead of using the MATCH function to define the column, let’s instead pre-define the range for the INDEX function using the INDIRECT function, and utilize the product names in column A to reference the appropriate column from our Table.

But since cell D1 contains number 1, and exactly the same number appears in the rows argument of the first formula, both would return an identical result – the value in B2.In the above pic, suppose we have to find out the sum of marks then we can also use the OFFSET function.So, in above formula D5 is the first cell where the data begins which is a reference as starting cell.

Without using the INDIRECT function, this would be the result.4.

The Excel INDIRECT function returns a valid reference from a given text string. After this, the OFFSET formula returns the value in cell B4.The pic on the left shows that the route of function and the screenshot on the right demonstrates how we can use the OFFSET formula on a real-time basis data. Do we really need the INDIRECT function?

So if I modify that source information with the following: The Data Validation drop down list works fine: Note: I need to wrap the table and column reference in double quotes.

As always, we will use easy examples to make things more clear.3. One is Ref_Text that is a mandatory argument and the second one is An INDIRECT function in Excel is very simple easy to use. Here we discuss the INDIRECT Formula and how to use the INDIRECT function along with practical examples and downloadable excel templates. The difference between the two formulas is that the second (on the right) includes a cell reference (D1) in the row’s argument. The INDIRECT function “returns the reference specified by a text string”. Yes.

Offset function starts counting the row and column number once we fix the reference cell and that cells will become its first point to start counting. Cell A1 on Sheet2 contains the value 20.

The OFFSET function is one of the built-in functions in Microsoft Excel.

By closing this banner, scrolling this page, clicking a link or continuing to browse otherwise, you agree to our Excel functions, formula, charts, formatting creating excel dashboard & othersExcel functions, formula, charts, formatting creating excel dashboard & othersYou can download this INDIRECT Function Excel Template here – 18 Online Courses | 9 Hands-on Projects | 95+ Hours | Verifiable Certificate of Completion | Lifetime Access
If you want to return a cell or range of cells that is a specified number of rows above or columns to the left, enter a negative number.

In other words, =INDIRECT(\"D1\") reduces to =D1.2.

The SUM function calculates the sum of this range.Note: to return a range (without calculating the sum), select a range of the same size before you insert the OFFSET function and finish by pressing CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER.

In other words, =INDIRECT("D1") reduces to =D1.3.

For example, the AVERAGE function below uses the named range Scores.2. CLICK ON … After that the rows and column value is 0, so we can put it as 0,0.

In cell H4, we need to get the total of the region, which is mentioned in the cell G4.Combination of INDIRECT & Named Ranges is invaluable in this kind of context. Modify the INDIRECT function as shown below. If your sheet names contain spaces or other special characters, enclose the sheet name in single quotation marks. A great lot of functions exist in Microsoft Excel, some being easy-to-understand, other requiring a long learning curve, and the former being used more often than the latter.

That formula will be: =INDEX (INDIRECT (“SalesData [“&A12&”]”),MATCH ($B$11,SalesData [Name],0)) The INDIRECT function converts the text string "D3:D6" into a valid range reference.


The starting point (the reference argument) can be one cell or a range of cells.