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The extent of citizens involved more than 25% of the city population (with 591965 interactions through all mediums). It announced a 10% reservation for the economically weaker sections of general castes; it reached out to the RSS, VHP and Hindu saints associated with the Ram Janmabhoomi movement to neutralise their anger. Nothing else is relevant. This would include upper castes, all backward groups except Yadavs, and all Dalit groups except Jatavs.

1.1.4 “competent authority” has the same … Modi, in his campaign speeches, invoked Ambedkar and how the government had done more to honour him than any government in the past. It is reviewed every five years and translates the broad long-term strategies of the Concept Plan into detailed plans to guide the development of land and property. If you had the power to predict the future, what would you do? To learn more about the Draft Master Plan, sign up for guided tours of the exhibition with URA volunteers, and download DMP19 flyers for specific … Co-locating amenities in one-stop hubs such as the upcoming Bukit Canberra and Punggol Town Hub makes it easier for residents to shop, dine, and engage in family-bonding activities all under one roof.Agencies are also studying age-friendly designs for neighbourhoods so our seniors can remain independent and healthy in familiar surroundings as they age.The demand for facilities such as polyclinics, childcare and eldercare centres will evolve as the demographic makeup of housing towns changes. The BJP now had its messaging in place, targeted at all social groups.The party was aware that political messaging in itself was not enough. Agencies are exploring various strategies to realise this, including the adaptive reuse of the former power station buildings and opening up the grounds for public access. To retain the heritage and shared memories of the area, the former Station Master’s Quarters opposite the Bukit Timah Railway Station will be conserved. stream

Gap Assessment. It made microalliances where necessary, like the one with Apna Dal’s Anupriya Patel or Nishad Party. ... /Metadata 4 0 R The proposals related to development of residential schemes, new links in the present transportation network etc. Increased global competition, changing trends and lifestyle aspirations mean that our city centre needs to maintain its competitive edge and dynamism through continued growth and rejuvenation.To this end, we will increase live-in population within the Central Area by planning for a variety of homes and amenities in areas such as Downtown, Marina South and Rochor so more people can live near workplaces and amenities. The National Drug Master Plan (NDMP) 2019-2024 was launched on 26 June 2020. In future, there will be about 1,000 ha more parks and park connectors.

Neighbouring estates, such as the Queenstown area, Buona Vista, Beauty World and Sungei Kadut will progressively be rejuvenated as well to bring communities closer to the Corridor.

Hence, data analytics and geospatial capabilities are used to examine changing demographic trends, usage patterns, and user profiles to help agencies make decisions on where to locate new facilities, or convert existing ones to cater for new needs. >>

‘Not the classiest’, I’ve been told. Sewerage System :The Sewerage system in Project area has been laid during the Holkar state in 1936.Overall city is not covered with sewerage generation and most of the lines are old and not able to cater the sewage. IDA with its Master Plan for Super Corridor has various projects to be completed by 2021. This ensures that we continue to meet changing needs with adequate provision of amenities and services that are accessible to residents.Our island-wide network of play corridors, parks, sports facilities and green spaces will be expanded. TCS and Infosys in Super Corridor have been developing and reaching the next phase of progress.IDA with its Master Plan for Super Corridor has various projects to be completed by 2021. There has been special attention, with regard to all these schemes, in UP. Yadavs, Muslims and Jatavs together comprise around 40% of the electorate. In January, the state government began to address the issue by constructing cow sheds.