Overall, though, it was a very enjoyable read and increased my knowledge of the civil war.

I would be reading along and suddenly realize the quote was over and I was back into the text that Mosby wrote. This book is an absolute must read for anyone interested in the civil war.

Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations avery interesting account of one of the more civilized clashes in the war

I would have been lost without my West Point Atlas of the Civil War. Prime members get unlimited deliveries at no additional cost

Any one who is interested in the War, military history, or even a good adventure story should read this book. He was a talented scout, and very good at finding out intelligence information on the actions of the Union troops.

Times have changed and this book gave me a glimpse into the education of the time.

As a Civil War nut I enjoyed the stories this legendary warrior related.However the dated style was tiresome and hard. It's a quick read but nevertheless gives us a nice picture of the activities of Mosby and his raiders in northern Virginia during the war. I was a little surprised, and disappointed, to read the allegations that Lee's aides, Marshall, Long and Taylor, falsified reports and letters to protect Lee and disparage Stuart.

Colonel Mosby commanded the 43rd Virginia Cavalry, a partisan ranger group that utilized guerrilla warfare to impede the efforts of Union forces in northern Virginia.

He reveres his commander JEB Stuart and is rankled that Stuart is blamed for the loss at Gettysburg. Willie, a fifteen year old soldier, accidentally shoots an officer and runs off.

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Conditions apply. Mosby was a lawyer before and after the war, eventually supporting U. S. Grant for president. With very small numbers he tied down mush much greater numbers. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.
Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Excellent Insight into What Made the Gray Ghost Famous

Much is written just as he experienced it but official letters from his superiors and his Union opponents reveal the true effects of his outstanding leadership under incredible disadvantages. He died in 1932 at the age of 91.

Excellent Insight into What Made the Gray Ghost Famous The may be better edited, and contain maps Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. It's surprising to see that he could even find humour in some of the events which he witnessed and participated in during the war. Mosbey does not brag about his exploits that were truly heroic, but gives much credit to the men he trained and led into battle for his successes.

The may be better edited, and contain maps He had significant losses during the period but they were dwarfed by the losses he created the Unionist Army.

Until I read this book, I had little appreciation of his many and varied contributions to the Confederacy and the ANV. My husband and I are interested in civil war history and we really enjoyed this book. Mosby seems intent on setting the record straight and on bragging how good his troops were and how bad northern troops. Mosby was a member of the Confederate Cavalry, and early in the was he fought with conventional cavalry units. It's a quick read but nevertheless gives us a nice picture of the activities of Mosby and his raiders in northern Virginia during the war.

Mosby's memoirs offer his political opinions, details of some of his exploits, and a very long-winded, overly detailed defense of his friend JEB Stuart's actions right before the battle of Gettysburg. The only reason I didn't give this 5 stars is it could use better editing. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

Mosby owned a slave during the war named Aaron Burton who afterwards moved to New York, where he lived as a free man. Jones born 1902 at Bobsfield, now Walnut Hall. This book is excellent in every way.

Mosby's glowing memorial of General US Grant is particularly rewarding. Mosby was a member of the Confederate Cavalry, and early in the was he fought with conventional cavalry units.

He conducted asymmetrical warfare behind the Union Army of General Sheridan for over two years, capturing over thousand men, horses, mules, supply wagons, and destroying railroads, equipment, and communications. This book sheds light on the misconception that all confederates were evil slave drivers. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

According to Mosby, General Stuart was obeying orders to support General Euell in Maryland and in any case General Lee still had two brigades of cavalry which normally would have been enough to allow him to know what the union forces were up to. These passages seriously need to have been edited prior to publication.

Great book about the Civil War era. Perhaps of interest to a researcher but monotonous reading That being said, Mosby's story was exciting and very informative. The hardships and dangers must have been almost a daily ritual.

avery interesting account of one of the more civilized clashes in the war

I would be reading along and suddenly realize the quote was over and I was back into the text that Mosby wrote.

I read the Kindle version, so I don't know if that is different than the printed version. He conducted asymmetrical warfare behind the Union Army of General Sheridan for over two years, capturing over thousand men, horses, mules, supply wagons, and destroying railroads, equipment, and communications.

It detailed a lot of information about that time and was very interesting to me.