[narrating] [Jud pauses while looking down the trail]  [the Creed family enter the Pet Sematary]  One of his colleagues, Steve Masterton, notices him walking into the woods with Rachel's body. [pulls out his buck knife]  Rachel Creed - Stabbed in the back by Zombie Ellie. [both men take a drink]  [falls through the branches]  Louis After burning the Crandall house down, Louis returns to the burial ground with his wife's corpse, thinking that if he buries the body faster than he did Gage's, there will be a different result. Their neighbor, an elderly man named Jud Crandall, warns Louis and Rachel about the highway that runs past their house; it is used by trucks that come mostly from a nearby chemical plant that often pass by at high speeds.Jud and L… Now, don't they Mrs. Creed?

[Jud tells Louis the truth about the ground beyond the Pet Sematary]  [through the forest]  Jud, guessing what Louis is planning, attempts to dissuade him by telling him the story of Timmy Baterman, the last person who was resurrected by the burial ground. [about the Indian Burial Ground]  [Jud pleads with Louis to not bury his son in the Micmac burial ground]  Jud and Louis quickly become close friends.

Steve, while fearful and concerned, is influenced by the power of the burial ground too, and even considers helping Louis bury Rachel, but he flees in terror and eventually moves away to King has gone on record stating that of all the novels he has written, This article is about the novel. Following all of these tragic events, Louis has also aged in physical appearance, with white hair and wrinkles. [Jud tells Louis the Indian burial ground might have made Gage die]  [Jud tells Louis the story of his dog Spot]  [Jud suggests they handle burying Church a better way]  [after Louis falls through the branches]  [through the rocks]  [Jud and Louis make their way to the Indian burial ground]  In 1979, King was a "writer-in-residence" at the University of Maineand the house he was renting was adjacent to a major road where dogs and cats were often killed by oncoming trucks. [Jud spills his drink]  Since Louis's father died when he was three, he sees Jud as a surrogate father. [Rachel asks Jud about the trail next to her new home]  Jud Crandall : Well, they have to learn about death somehow. Louis Creed, a doctor from Chicago, moves to a house near the small town of Ludlow, Maine with his family: wife Rachel; their two young children, Eileen (\"Ellie\") and Gage; and Ellie's cat, Winston Church. The Ellie character wasn't as annoying in the book, but this is definitely one of the more faithful movies based on a King book. A few weeks after the Creeds move in, Jud takes the family on a walk in the woods behind their home. [narrating]  Nevertheless, Louis dismisses the dream as the product of the stress he experienced during Pascow's death, coupled with his wife's lingering anxieties about the subject of death. Overcome with despair, Louis considers bringing his son back to life with the help of the burial ground. [on the phone]  [tells Louis why the pet cemetery was created] 

[Jud hands Louis the shovel to bury Church]  Watch an exclusive deleted scene from 2019's Pet Sematary and discover the details behind Jud and Norma's heartbreaking story. For other uses, see He then imagined what would happen if that family's young so… [in a flashback Spot the dog growls at Jud's mother]  Gwynne is the perfect Jud Crandall, Miko Hughes is very good as Gage. [in a flashback, narrating]  Jud Crandall was the iconic old man neighbor that anyone would have been happy to know. Now, don't they Mrs. Creed?