The event began on 24th June and will end on 7th July. Danish Ansari The Jungle Warrior is one of the titles that players can earn apart from a bunch of other usual skins and some drops. Cara dapatkan gelar Jungle Warrior di PUBG Mobile! These titles also help a player to distinguish themselves from other users in the game and also serve as a reminder of the player’s achievements and legacy.The event started this month on June 24 and is scheduled to run through July 7. Published 02 Jun 2020, 16:47 IST PUBG Press Release PUBG Mobile Updates You will first need to take up three challenges on the track which are fairly easy to complete. To get one bone chain, complete one Classic Match However, it is likely that you don’t wish to spend your real money and are looking for an alternative to obtain some free BC. Epic Games feud explainedHow to spend BP in PUBG Mobile? All of these titles require a player to have a specific achievement before they can finally unlock them. It is an event-specific title that the players can get from Sanhok Relic Hunt.

OMG HIS VOICE IS UNIQUE- Michael Jackson - Billie Jean | Allie Sherlock & Fabio Rodrigues - Duration: 4:43. PUBG Mobile offers players a variety of titles that they can unlock which makes the battle royale experience more enjoying. The players can complete the mission on any map, and it is not specific to only Sanhok. Luckily, players are allowed to complete it on any map, as it is not specific to just Sanhok. The game has introduced a new event called Sanhok Relic Hunt which is part of the current rotation. The players can complete the mission on any map, and it is not specific to only Sanhok. PUBG Mobile players need to complete daily missions to get Bone Chain, Sundial, and Mysterious Feather.In this, we would discuss and give you a sleek trick on how you can get These are the three missions that are the easiest and can be completed very easily as compared to other missions.I hope you find this tutorial helpful. The event began on 24th June and will end on 7th July. Step-by-step instructionsHow to get FIFA 21 beta and experience the title before launch?Fortnite Mega Drop gives enormous discounts: Know details about the planWhy was Fortnite removed from Google Play Store? Now, you can start playing matches to earn more crates and keys. It is an event-specific title that the players can get from Sanhok Relic Hunt. One of the features in the current rotation is the Sanhok Relic Hunt, which is a mode which allows you to collect rewards based on daily challenges. Demikian informasi mengenai tips bagaimana mendapatkan gelar Jungle Warrior dalam permainan PUBG … Hot Air Balloons. These are not the only available missions; there are several others that players can complete.However, these are the easiest to complete. The event began on 24th June and will end on 7th July.

It is an event-specific title that the players can get from Sanhok Relic Hunt.
It is an event-specific title that the players can get from Sanhok Relic Hunt. However, you should note that you will only get one crate for every match you play. in Guide, PUBG. Shounak has been one of AFK Gaming’s longest-serving esports journalists. Other than the usual skins and other drops which are available, one feature is the Jungle Warrior Title. The game has introduced a new event called Sanhok Relic Hunt which is part of the current rotation. Once you have completed the challenges, you will be rewarded with one bone chain, one sundial, and one mysterious feather. Namun, untuk beberapa gelar lainnya ada yang bersifat permanen dan bisa bertahan selamanya. How much do Soldier's Crates cost? Pada update yang baru beberapa saat yang lalu dirilis, Tencent memberikan update map baru dengan tema Jungle. Jungle Warrior Title in PUBG Mobile. The size of the update is close to 1.7 GB, and requires around 7 GB of free storage on the system. For the first two missions listed, you simply need to get into a match. These are achievements that also reflect the skills of a particular player. Image credits: PUBG … You will need them to unlock the Jungle Warrior Title.Here is a list of all the tasks that you will need to complete:These missions can be easily completed without much effort. Even if you fail to win the game, you will still be qualified to proceed further and the mission will be counted as completed.There are also a bunch of other titles in the game such as the Chicken Master, Commando, Sharpshooter, Overachiever, Maxxed Out, Well Liked and more. How to Easily Earn the Jungle Warrior Title in PUBG Mobile What you have to do is complete the daily missions in the game and achieve 1 bone chain, 1 mysterious feather and 1 sundial. Other such special events that were recently introduced include the Mysterious Jungle Adventure mode and Road Trip mode.