"He always led with inspiration and left an unforgettable imprint on all who knew him. "It may be that he simply fell down that flight but I have no evidence. The cause of death is unknown yet. His feud with the artist Banksy was the subject of a Channel 4 television documentary called Graffiti Wars, first shown in August 2011. and he went 'well I've never heard of you'...he dismissed me as a nobody, as nothing. Team Robbo said the artist was the self-appointed king of the London graffiti scene in its 1980s. "On Christmas Day 2009 Robbo reclaimed his piece from Banksy's defacing by covering the work so the workman appeared to be painting "KING ROBBO" in silver letters.

"However, I have scant evidence as to how that brain injury was sustained. Joe Epstein, the producer of LDNGraffiti, said King Robbo was "London's graffiti trailblazer". and with that he picked up his glasses and ran off. Black-cab passenger Louisa Green said in a statement she spotted him 20 minutes later "lying on the ground at the bottom of the steps with blood around his head" as she drove past and called an ambulance. It gave him refreshed enthusiasm for his own artwork...[he] will be remembered as part of the ongoing history of modern graffiti. "The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sitesThousands of travellers have rushed back to the UK in a bid to avoid new measures imposed on France. Banksy and King Robbo had allegedly become involved in a public clash in a bar in Old Street, east London, which resulted in Banksy painting a figure of a man putting wallpaper over a 1985 Regent's Canal Robbo mural.But following the news of King Robbo's death, Banksy paid tribute to him on his website, listing the names of the graffiti crews he was a part of: "Robbo WRH WD PFB - RIP".Recording her verdict, Ms Hassell said: "I have no hesitation in saying that Mr Robertson died as a result of the long-term traumatic brain injury that he suffered in 2011. In March, he was taken to the Gardens and Jacobs Neuro Centres in Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, where he died on 31 July. Mr Robertson's work was exhibited in galleries and he received several high value international commissions, but became better known for a public feud with his rival Banksy, whose works sell for millions of pounds worldwide. King Robbo was an English underground graffiti artist. I was introduced to a couple of guys who were like 'whoa it's nice to meet you!'. There is insufficient evidence to allow me to decide any other determination." King Robbo passed away at the age of 44.

Following the incident, Mr Robertson was eventually transferred to the Royal Hospital for neuro-disability in Putney, where Dr Kudret Yelden diagnosed him as being "in a vegetative state second to traumatic brain injury" and said he made little progress. When I was introduced to Banksy, I went 'Oh yeah I've heard of you mate, how you doing?'

The two artists painted over each others' work on Regent's Canal several times Three days later the letters "FUC" appeared before the word "KING".This incident led to online arguments and a graffiti war with many of Banksy's other works being altered by "Team Robbo" - notable ones including the piece In 2014 LDNGraffiti published an illustrated timeline of the feud.In 2015 Banksy included a piece dedicated to Robbo in the On 2 April 2011 King Robbo sustained a life-threatening head injury 5 days prior to his exhibition at the Signal Gallery, Robbo never emerged from the coma, and died on 31 July 2014, aged 44. "The spat with Banksy, for King Robbo was a bit of fun and he enjoyed the attention and responses from Banksy. So with that I slapped him and went 'oh what you ain't heard of me? Robbo painted his first train in 1985 and the ‘Merry Christmas’ train of 1988, a joint piece created with "Drax WD", receiving national coverage on In 1985 15 year old King Robbo painted a graffiti work under the "I was at a place called the Dragon Bar on Old Street. At 6ft 8in tall, he was an imposing figure on the graffiti scene, his team said. Ms Hassell said pedestrian Peter Watt had reported seeing Mr Robertson around 00:20 BST on 2 April "at the top of ten stairs texting on his mobile." These are external links and will open in a new window you won't forget me now will you?' He died July 31, 2014. He was loved and remembered by all. But following the news of King Robbo's death, Banksy paid tribute to him on his website, listing the names of the graffiti crews he was a part of: "Robbo WRH WD PFB - RIP".