si fa mille domande. Episode 2 52m. ma tu. Decades after her capture, a serial killer offers to help solve a string of copycat murders -- but only if her son, now a cop, will work by her side.Faced with a series of grisly unsolved murders, a police commissioner turns to imprisoned serial killer Jeanne Deber and her estranged son for help.As a furious Damien tries to figure out what his mother is up to, a clue found on Séverin's computer leads the team to the next potential victim.Damien uncovers a secret that sends him racing back to his childhood home. Sophia is a lover, a wife, a mother. Usage Frequency: 1 Sophia è un amica che ci accompagna nel nostro viaggio attraverso gli eventi della storia. Usage Frequency: 1 205. Usage Frequency: 1 Europa non era solo l’ amante di Zeus: con lui ha formato anche una famiglia.Europa was not just the lover of Zeus: she also had a family with him – they had three children.Last Update: Episode 1 56m. Usage Frequency: 1 Nella storia della famiglia, un altro personaggio si trovò coinvolto in un fatto di sangue, Il 1 giugno 1593, Lelio Buonvisi venne fatto massacrare con 19 coltellate, dalla moglie Lucrezia Malpigli e dal suo amante Massimiliano Arnolfini, l amante, venne murato vivo in una torre a Viareggio e la moglie fu costretta a farsi monaca.In the history of the family, another character was found involved in a fact of blood, June 1 st 1593, Lelio Buonvisi was killed with 19 stabs, by his wife Lucrezia Malpigli and her lover Massimiliano Arnolfini, who was in turned walled alive in a tower in Viareggio and the wife was forced to turn into a nun.Last Update: Sophia è nello stesso tempo amante, moglie e madre. Last Update: Usage Frequency: 2 Ecco un semplice esempio; ci sono due persone che si amano: l amante e l amato.

Contextual translation of "l'amante" into English. The artist lives for his art like the lover lives for his love...Last Update: The violence is brutally depicted though and some of the scenes are genuinely cringe inducing. ti ho dato piu di quello che vorrei. Usage Frequency: 1 E per chiudere in bellezza, anche la sua relazione extra-coniugale termina quando l amante si trasferisce a Los Angeles dal fratello.To top it all, his long-term adulterous affair with Ralitsa ends as she goes to her brother in Los Angeles.Last Update: A rescue mission takes an unexpected turn.Decades after her capture, a serial killer offers to help solve a string of copycat murders -- but only if her son, now a cop, will work by her side.Five families of magicians sworn to protect our world must battle an enemy who's picking them off one by one.A street-smart dog and a pampered cat join forces to lead a pack of unlikely heroes when their city is seized by its evil mayor — and his robot army.After witnessing a suicide, an unobtrusive police clerk decides to investigate two neglected cases on her own, both involving abused women.In a reimagined history of the French Revolution, the guillotine's future inventor uncovers a disease that drives the aristocracy to murder commoners.While her mother is abroad, an 18-year-old who's lived in a hippie commune all her life sneaks out into the real world to find her biological father.