Buy all your official Land Registry documents from just £3 each online with Nimbus Maps. Nimbus® Maps is a Licensed Partner of Search Land Registry and Ordnance Survey Save time and money by accessing land registry titles, ownership and site sizes plus loads of extra functionality….for FREE. is not affiliated in any way with the HM Land is an independent supplier of Title Documents and Conveyancing Searches, and is not affiliated with the HM Land Registry.Fields, woodland, small parcels of land, roads, building plotsACCESS TITLE REGISTERS AND TITLE PLANS NOW - CLICK HEREFind out who owns a property now – any house, apartment, shop, commercial unit ….. I will recommend your services to my family and friends.Received the documents within 10 minutes of ordering. It contains 26 pages of useful detail, including samples and is provided in PDF format.This search enables you to obtain the ownership details of a single plot of land, either by dropping a pain onto a built-in map on our application form, or by tracing its outline onto the map.This search enables you to obtain the ownership details of a large area of land, whatever its nature, size or shape. Electronic mortgage signatories can login and apply their electronic signature to an electronic mortgage. owners details) on land or property without an address, such as fields, tracks, barns and parcels of land. This is available for free by selecting the download button below. An exact copy of the map with its traced outline is received by us, embedded on the application form, enabling us to quickly identify the property with pin-point accuracy.We have created an edit facility on the advanced map so that the map can be edited before sending it to us.A Land Registry search will provide information for all areas of land covered by the search area on the map. 28 July 2020 — News story Our fee includes the Title Registers for the first 5 Titles. These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Many thanks.Thank you for sending me a copy of the conveyance as ordered. Excellent service and many thanks for your prompt reply.2019 © Copyright - | UK Conveyancing - Specialising in the provision of property data, conveyancing documents and searches. This cannot be known in advance, so how can our customers know what they will be charged.With large areas of land we have a separate search that charges only for the first 5 search results. This type of search, the Large Areas of Land Search, requires a fee of £89.50 for the first 5 Titles and thereafter £4.95 for the remainder of the searches.Our fee for a Map Search for a single plot of land is only £29.95. If the map outline crosses onto an adjoining property that information is not required for, it will be shown and added to the search, resulting in further cost. Section 9 has been amended to reflect current policy that Land Registry will issue textual results for official searches of the index map in most cases. Generally, these documents are not readily available online to the general public via the HM Land Registry website. They are the main source of property and land information, and reveal ownership data (including the name and address of the registered owners), mortgages and other charges, boundaries, leases, covenants, easements, maintenance liabilities, price paid, tenure and much more.Our online portal has been developed to provide the general public with online access to official copies (OC1) of Land Registry Title Registers and Title Plans. If you require the benefit of indemnity provisions, you’ll need to carry out a MapSearch is one of the free services included in the Information Services group.