After some initial misadventures involving a snowstorm, a kayaking trip, and Floe's irrepressible desire to steal sausages, they finally … Another lesson that could be taught from this story is the power of friendship and the importance of helping people. by North-South Books The hippo took the little polar bear under his wing and helps him become familiar with the island. little polar bear falls asleep one night behind his snow pile to protect himself from the wind, but wakes up on a small piece of ice in the middle of the ocean. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. I thought the ending was really sweet as well.

SoOne day Lars, the Little Polar Bear, rescues a husky puppy from a deep crack in the ice. When Lars the little polar bear ventures too close to an igloo in this sixth picture-book devoted to his adventures, he finds himself being scared away by the sled-dogs outside.

He began to draw when he went to school, mostly when the lessons got too boring. The little polar bear and the husky pup help each other through tough times and teach each other new things. But during the night, the ice begins to crack and Lars’s piece breaks off.

1558583580 Eventually landing on tropical shores, he meets Henry the hippopotamus and Marcus the eagle, sees how animals in that strange part of the world live, and is then given a ride home on the back of Samson the gray whale.Lars is a young polar bear whose story starts when his father takes him out on a hunting trip. When the mood is happy and adventurous, the colors of the illustrations are bright white and other vivd colors. This led to him to a forest where he makes new friends. Whether it’s magic schools, dystopias, paranormal love stories, or contemporary explorations of important real-life issues, young adult books a...One day Lars, the Little Polar Bear, rescues a husky puppy from a deep crack in the ice. But can he get the impetuous pup back safely to the rest of the husky team? When the plot tone tuns dismal, the colors change to dark charcoal looking colors. Be the first to ask a question about Little Polar Bear and the Husky Pup Lars' father is happily surprised to see him arriving back home atop a whale, then father and son head for home while Lars shares stories of his adventures.

At first Lars was scared because he had lost his dad and thought he would never find him again. Each page is a paragraph long that emerges from the illustrations. It‘s Hugo, a scared little hare, who is trapped and needs to be rescued.

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. When the mood is happy and adventurous, the colors of the illustrations are bright white and other vivd colors. Many helpful and interesting friends are made by Lars.

The idea behind this book was a cute one, but at times it lacked the "captive attention", but then it would pick back up and my 2 year old granddaughter would pay attention again.The idea behind this book was a cute one, but at times it lacked the "captive attention", but then it would pick back up and my 2 year old granddaughter would pay attention again.Summary: This book is about polar bear who drifts away on a piece of ice while sleeping. But it wasn't a bad story.Lars is a young polar bear who lives in the Arctic and is out hunting with his father. Instead of thanking Lars, the puppy snarls and yaps at him. Translated into 18 languages, this book is entertaining for both parents and children. The little dog follows him and soon finds himself in trouble again—stranded on a floating piece of ice. Eventually they come up with an idea and the little polar bear reconnected with his dad. A little later he rescues a husky puppy named Floe, and the two set out to return him (Floe) to his family. He went on to study illustration at the Rietveld Academy of Art in Amsterdam.
Published He sleeps so soundly that he doesn't hear the ice crack, doesn't feel himself slowly drift away from his father and the North Pole - he doesn't realize that his adventures have just begun.Young Polar Bear Lovers / Children Who Dream of Going on AdventuresWhen Lars the polar bear goes to sleep behind a pile of snow one night, he has no idea that when he wakes up with bit of ice will have separated from the rest, and taken him far from his father. It's a cute story about mismatched friends, but I found the language a little clunky & overly formal at times. Marcus arranges for Samson, a big gray whale, to pick Lars up the next morning and ferry him back homeLars the little polar bear is separated from his father when the tundra between them cracks and separates as they sleep.

With the help of a friendly hippo, a grumpy eagle and a gray whale.This is a fun story about a bear who gets lost and finds his way home. 58 pages : 19 cm Lars, the little polar bear, sees his best friend, a seal named Robby, being swallowed by a giant black ship and devises a plan to rescue him and the other animals Lars is a young polar bear whose story starts when his father takes him out on a hunting trip.

Hans de Beer's Little Polar Bear books enjoy great international success and have been published in eighteen languages in 27 countries. He manages to climb on top of a floating barLars is a young polar bear who lives in the Arctic.

Lars finds himself all alone on a piece of melting ice. He began to draw when he went to school, mostly when the lessons got too boring. We’d love your help. 0735811547 "Please don't leave me!"

"I'm hungry and I want my mother!" Eventually they come up with an idea and the little poLittle Polar Bear begins with a father polar bear teaching his child different techniques to survive.
The illustrations and the text was all created by the author, Hans de Beer. When he wakes up, he is all alone in the middle of the sea. A sweet first book to a series about the adventures of a little polar bear. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. His father takes him hunting for the very first time, and that night he is so tired from all his lessons that he falls fast asleep.