The Brit went berserk and denied it, but he took the penalty turn for fear of a retrospective disqualification, and after recovering to take third, he erupted on the dock. Follow us on Twitter … And the judges deliberated, a little confused. The ONS uses these three-month measures for several data points: today’s release could show whether the April–June was worse than March–May in terms of the impact of working hours.Although much of the data will appear out of date, experimental measures based on payroll changes should give a clearer picture of how many jobs have been lost since lockdown began.Japan's Nikkei 225 added 1.6pc and Hong Kong gained more than 2pc in early trading, even as the tally of confirmed new coronavirus cases worldwide topped 20 million, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.The gains followed President Donald Trump's announcement over the weekend of stopgap moves to aid the economy, after talks on Capitol Hill for a bigger rescue package faltered.Sentiment got an extra boost from signals that the talks might resume, and by Trump's suggestion to reporters that he is planning a capital gains tax cut and a tax reduction also for "middle income" earners.The Hang Seng in Hong Kong added 2.1pc to 24,877.14, while the Nikkei 225 climbed to 22,686.53.

The decline followed a bumper January and February, with growth going into reverse as coronavirus lockdown swept the UK.The number of EU nationals working in Britain dropped 284,000 as the economy was thrown into crisis conditions.While the latest decline is due to the coronavirus, it comes amid heightened uncertainty for EU citizens since the UK left the bloc this year.A transition period that retains free movement of people for now will expire at the end of December. According to HMRC data, the number of Pay As You Earn payrolls – which exclude the self-employed – has dropped by 730,000 since March. 'Having finished the day three points behind Hogh-Christensen, Ainslie went on to win his fourth gold in the 11th and final race.Ben Ainslie was dripping with fury when he left the waters of Weymouth Bay on August 2, 2012The nicknames go some way to telling the story of Aleksandr Karelin, the greatest Greco-Roman wrestler of all time. Gig economy workers do not enjoy rights such as sick pay and minimum notice periods - but also face fewer obligations, such as being able to turn down shifts. The rise – which leaves prices down 0.4pc year-on-year – suggests manufacturers are gaining back some their purchasing power, after taking a heavy hit under lockdown.Just over 1m used cars changed hands in the second quarter of the year, down 48.9pc compared with the same period a year ago, according to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT).The lockdown in late March froze the market for several months after what the trade body called a “bumper” January and February.Dealerships in England were allowed to reopen their doors on June 1, with Wales and Scotland following soon after. But if I had, I would have cheated myself. The ONS estimates that 7.5 million people – 27pc of employees – fell into these two categories in June. For a time, anyway.Linford Christie became the oldest winner of an Olympic 100m gold medal in the 1988 gamesIt is hard to adequately quantify the injuries that had savaged Kelly Holmes' career and permanently scarred the flesh around most of her joints and major muscles. It's not likely to be pretty...Richard Houston, Deloitte’s chief executive in the UK, said the deal was an opportunity for his firm to meet increasing demand from businesses seeking help with the introduction of new technology. Jitse Groen (above), CEO of Just Eat Takeaway, said he does not want to have gig economy workers - operating on flexible hours with little workplace protection - delivering for his company in Europe any moreThe boss of Just Eat Takeaway said he does not want to have gig economy workers - operating on flexible hours with little workplace protection - delivering for his company in Europe any more.Jitse Groen, chief executive of the food delivery giant, revealed he would prefer to give his staff more benefits in light of the difficulties they have faced since the Just Eat processed around 257million orders in the first six months of the year as takeaway companies supplied food to people in lockdown. CLINT is a boutique law firm specializing in ‘corporate’ employment law and based in Amsterdam. The advice from his doctors was to leave it, that he needed a minimum of six weeks' rest and risked internal bleeding if he did otherwise.