Ha ha. The book is called 'The Wine O'Clock Myth: The truth you need to know about women and alcohol' and it is a thorough exploration about the situation we're in with regards to our alcohol soaked societies, the normalisation and glorification of booze that goes on left, right and centre, the manipulation that goes on through marketing, the targeting of women (especially on social media), and the many ways that all of this is impacting on women's lives.Happy to say the whole 'launching a new book into the world' process went very well. Lotta Dann - aka Mrs D - overcame her own problems with alcohol to become sober, and an authority on the understanding of addiction and recovery. And my problem is where's our truth reflected in this environment? She built a successful career as a TV reporter, producer and director while simultaneously developing a remarkable aptitude for drinking a lot of alcohol. I went and got a job!My new book came out two weeks ago! So we need to have those people understand, openly, that it's not simple for everyone. Meanwhile my life is getting back to normal. I expected a bit of push-back from some quarters from people who might think me a 'wowser' or like I was being preachy or judgemental, but I seem to have escaped that criticism (so far).. which is good because I work very hard to not come across as any of those things!It's such a strange process putting out a book. She lives in Wellington, New Zealand with her husband, three sons and a Labrador puppy. Through her long-running blog, Mrs D Is Going Without, Lotta discovered the incredible power of online support for people quitting drinking. "It's a cancer-causing poison diluted with sugar and other flavourings, to make it palatable and wrapped in fancy packaging. "I felt weak, and I felt very alone. Our ethos is one of tolerance and kindness. "I want to have this environment that acknowledges it's not easy for everyone, so people struggling are enabled to say 'I'm actually one of those that are struggling', and then they get more support and understanding. Not seeking to numb and avoid my emotions (other than the odd sugar binge), not seeking to avoid anything real that is going on.. just facing up every day to life... warts and all. I've just made tomorrow night's dinner (chicken fajitas) and soon will embark on tonight's dinner (fish and veggies parcels). I could be hungover from the weekend and struggling every day with an intense internal dialogue about my drinking. "A lot of women love being with their girlfriends, but what has developed over time is that they're getting together with their girlfriends and getting really drunk.
From about the age of 15, Lotta Dann drank alcohol every day. Her journey exploring mindfulness is …
This blog was my lifeline, my support blanket, my safe resting place, my powerful outlet. Beer o’clock is 5 o’clock, wine o’ clock... that’s what it is, that’s how I grew up, that’s the world we live in. The book is worth reading for these tales alone (sales pitch!) HPA is a Crown entity that leads and delivers programmes, advice and research on alcohol issues, aims to prevent and reduce alcohol-related harm, and works to inspire New Zealanders to make better decisions when it comes to drinking alcohol.The NZ Drug Foundation has overseen the development and operation of Living Sober from the beginning. Now I hang with them and I have the most lovely conversations towards the end of an evening or a wedding now.”“I’d be the one on the dance floor or sleeping in the bushes, quite frankly. Now happily sober, Lotta spends her days parenting and running a busy household, promoting recovery through her blogs and social media accounts, and managing the Living Sober NZ website. All the images we see on the TV, unless it’s a particular story about someone who’s at rock bottom, don’t show that.“Everybody’s earned it right? She now manages an online support community called Living Sober, and in her new book The Wine O'Clock Myth she looks at the alcohol industry's efforts to target women. Our environment only pushes one side, and it doesn't have any acknowledgement that there is a dark side to this addictive drug, and that many of us do struggle to cope with it. Oh my golly, golly goodness it has been a loooong time since I wrote here on my lovely original blog. I got addicted to something that is addictive, that doesn't make me weak or a bad person. You feel very vulnerable and nervous, but also proud and excited. Until the next idea hits that is. Lotta Dann describes herself as a frantic, sugar-bingeing, internet-loving, recovering-alcoholic housewife.Dann's first few sober years were a time of elation, she says. My life now is a far cry from the boozy, numbed out life I used to lead that's for sure! I have to very quickly go in my head to that truth – it’s never going to be just one. And I was in a good marriage, surrounded by lovely friends, yet my battle was so hidden because it was internal.