M25 Junction 10, near Wisley, Surrey and A3 between Cobham/Byfleet and Ripley/Ockham. The M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange has been identified for improvements as it experiences heavy congestion on a daily basis. Documents. There will be no opportunity at this stage to make comments on the application. Highways England is currently preparing a planning application for the redevelopment of the M25 junction with the A3. What happens next. FOI 770,662. Calls on the Secretary of State for Transport to reject the Development Consent Order for Highways England’s proposals for Junction 10 of the A3/M25. The A3 north of Send is constrained by the M25 junction 10; in addition the operation of the M3 Junctions 9 to 14 is affected by existing lane capacity and the gradient. The applicant has re-sent a further notification to that party only allowing them time to make their representations. Capacity issues are concentrated, along the M3 Junctions 2 to 4a and the A3 at Guildford. Contact information. Developer: Jonathan Wade - tel. M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement. The Secretary of State will then have three months in which to make a decision.The Examining Authority has exercised its discretion to accept Additional Submissions from:The Examining Authority has issued two Rule 17 letters:All to be received by Deadline 12 (Friday 10 July 2020)Please note that the following reserve hearing days that were notified in our letter of 14 May 2020 are no longer required and have now been cancelled:Tuesday 23 June 2020 – Compulsory Acquisition Hearing 1 (CAH1), Session 1On 27 April 2020 the Secretary of State made a decision to extend the Examination by two months following the disruptions caused by COVID-19.
The proposals would put the RHS under huge financial burden; the increased journey time to the Garden could lose the RHS £6.6m during the construction period & lead to a loss of £19.2m over 10-years. It is not a The RIS sets out the list of schemes that are to be delivered by Highways England over the period covered by the RIS (2015 – 2020). The two right side wheels were taken away and the back windscreen is smashed. Published 25 June 2019 From: Highways England.

If you have received such a further notification and wish to make a representation, please contact us at If the application is accepted for examination anyone interested in the application will be able to register and express their views during the relevant representation stage and the subsequent examination. 0300 123 5000. However, if the application is accepted anyone interested in the application will be able to register and express their views during the relevant representation stage and the subsequent examination.In December 2014 the Department for Transport (DfT) published the Road Investment Strategy (RIS) for 2015-2020. list of people who have signed the petition.
Urges the Secretary of State to adopt the Alternative Scheme advocated by the RHS to protect the local environment and RHS Garden Wisley.We believe the proposals from Highways England for Junction 10 of the A3/M25 are flawed because an Alternative has not been considered, and that the DCOs scheme unnecessarily threatens the environment including the future of RHS Garden Wisley. Urges the Secretary of State to adopt the Alternative Scheme advocated by the RHS to protect the local environment and RHS Garden Wisley. The Planning Inspectorate will therefore make the application documents available as soon as practicable.This provision is solely for the purpose of allowing more time to all those who wish to become familiar with the detail of what is being proposed ahead of the relevant representation period without lengthening the overall time required for the application process. The west option could see the protective bank of trees along the century-old garden being pulled down, losing a barrier for noise and pollution between the garden and the busy A3. It is one of two options being considered by Highways England to improve the M25-A3 “Wisley Interchange” (junction 10) – one to the east and one to the west. by country as well as in the constituency of each Member of Parliament. There will now be a period of three months for the Examining Authority to write its report and make a recommendation to the Secretary of State. A Written Ministerial Statement about the Examination will be made to Parliament as soon as possible.On 27 April 2020 the Secretary of State made a decision to extend the Examination by two months following the disruptions caused by COVID-19. Planning Inspectorate case team: [email protected] 0303 444 5000. The data shows the number of people who have signed the petition This causes queues and prevents access from Ockham Park junction (A3) to the M25 junction 10 and on to Painshill junction (A3) in both directions. Response to a request in relation to the M25 between M4 & A3 (junction 15 to 10). If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on this site.