She was horrified when it began to latch onto Kouichi, who was trying to save his aunt from falling, and begged him to trust her and let her fall. Kouichi, of course, survived, and Mei later went to see him at the hospital, explaining no one remembered Reiko anymore. But when the ball appears just to be within reach, he stops moving, just floating out in the ocean.

It should be noted that these traits of her personality only appear in the anime, not in the original novel. Mei dislikes cell phones, saying that it disturbs her to be connected to other people at all times by electromagnetic waves, most likely a by-product of her solitary nature. She later came to see Kouichi off when he and his grandmother left Yomiyama.

29 janv. Izumi ends up being skewered against the wall by the glass shards. When she shows it to Kouichi for the second time, however, he says that it's beautiful and she doesn't need to hide it. She then snaps, and says she's going to kill Mei, prompting Mei to run up the steps as more of the ceiling collapse, separating her from Kouichi and Izumi. When she shows it to Kouichi for the second time, however, he says that it's beautiful and she doesn't need to hide it. Takako stabs Kouichi and charges towards Mei, attempting to kill her. Kouichi defends Mei at the inn from Izumi and Takako, which causes his bad lung to flare again, though Mei takes care of him. In Episode 3, when Kouichi had finished his test he went outside after seeing Mei leave the classroom. Une adaptation en anime produite par le studio P.A. Elle a aussi un côté relativement enfantin, où on peut la voir dessiner ou faire des châteaux de sable. Mei encountered Takako a second time in a partially collapsed stairwell. She later came to see Kouichi off when he and his grandmother left Yomiyama. Mei and Misaki quickly became inseparable, and the two would often meet up in secret, as her adopted mother/aunt Yukiyo Misaki didn't like them meeting up with fear that Mei would return to her biological family. Takako confronted Mei and Kouichi at the inn with Izumi, saying she felt it was all their fault (even though moments before she'd been trying to sit by them, only to be told not to be Izumi). Initially, Mei is an enigmatic, gloomy, and very withdrawn, solitary and antisocial girl who doesn't see value in having a bond with someone. Another Misaki Mei Anime School Girl Uniform Cosplay Costume K002. In Episode 12, Kouichi and a few other survivors run out of the burning building.

In the manga continuity, Izumi is much more actively hostile toward Mei from the outset, jealous of her stoic acceptance of her role as the shunned student. La version française est éditée par Pika Édition à partir de mai 2015. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Wiki Another est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Bandes dessinées. Mei wears the school's standard uniform. Habituellement expédié sous 6 à 10 jours. Reiko tried to talk Chibiki out of ignoring a student on the first day of school, seeing how much it had traumatized Takako, but Mei volunteered to take her place. He might have feelings for Mei because showing interest in such a spooky character would have been out of the picture if he didn't have the hots for her. After stabbing Kouichi in the arm and immobilizing him, Takako, now completely over the edge, attempted to kill Mei a second time, only to become entangled in a spool of exposed electrical cables and strangle herself. Chasing her through the forest outside, Izumi is decapitated when she runs into a taut mooring cable. He tries to help the person underneath only for Mei to stop him.