It was recently revealed that the mysterious 'Super Hoodie' who has been appearing to help the group at crucial moments is a future version of Simon that came back in time to ensure that certain events happened when they should, although this Simon has provided no explanation about how he came back in time beyond 'things change'. After surviving the fatal attack because While Alisha struggles with jealously over Simon, Kelly meets Bruno, a gorilla who was transformed into a man. His emotional side confronted Alisha about an incident that had happened at college and how she was called the 'cock monster'. Rachel kills Alisha for revenge on the group, leading Simon to reveal his identity as Superhoodie.Simon time travels back to season one so that he can buy a power from Seth. The lights flicker off and he is subsequently beaten to death in the dark. Alisha and Present Simon would fall in love, Alisha would die and Simon would go back once again, recreating their eternal love cycle. 10 Best Episodes Of Justice League Unlimited, According To IMDb Present Simon is becoming more confidient and is starting to take more control in difficult situation such as defeating the tattooist and facing off to Kelly's kidnapper in episode 4.

Buddie Sim. Nathan takes Jamie to reconcile with their father, but finds out that Jamie didn’t survive and he’s seeing his ghost.Superhoodie saves Alisha from being mugged, and she learns that the mysterious figure is immune to her power and can touch her skin without the usual effects. Sam went to jail for six months, and Curtis was given community service because of his status as an athlete.He uses his power to reverse time and attempt to fix their mistake. Paparazzi swarm the community center and the group, now dubbed the ASBO Five, is offered a deal for instant fame. However Simon didn't mind her past and loved her nonetheless.

Immunity is the ability to be unaffected by other people's powers, whilst One way time travel is the power to travel back in time to any desired point, however, unlike Time Reversal, the user cannot return to the present and instead of appearing in their past-self, they appear as a duplicate whilst their past-self stays where they were at that time. Simon's seems to hold vast knowledge of particular subjects and topics. 0:47. The group figures out that they must play Tim’s game to rescue Kelly. Simon asked for the Immunity power and Seth was confused as he had just taken it from its original owner. Kelly was killed with a metal pipe. Don’t ask Montana if she’s a member of V.F.D. However due to Simon still under the influence of Peter's last drawing hid it in the hidden compartment in his wardrobe. The two fight for the the phone, and Simon accidentally kills her.Nathan’s half-brother Jamie shows up at the community center looking for him. 5 years ago | 120 views. Simon then walked out of Seth's office, slowly unzipping his orange hoodie and revealing his Superhoodie suit underneath. He uses his power to go on a killing spree, and Curtis must turn back time to save the group and stop Brian. He was constantly attached to his camera phone, using it to film the storm and occasionally, his fellow ASBO holders. It also appears that, unless it is a big action, no one can acknowledge him moving objects, as he has used his power to steal things before.

While on the job, they encounter an unstable man named Tim who is living as Jimmy Cisco, the main character of a violent He interprets Kelly as his ex-girlfriend and Simon as his nemesis, Conti, in the game. The friends attend a costume party, and the murders of guys Jessica has flirted with are revealed to be the doing of her overprotective father.Sally begins a relationship with Simon with the intention of using him for information about her ex-fiancée’s death. As the series goes on, notably in series 2, he has his top button undone, probably meaning that he is more relaxed around the gang. Meanwhile, While hanging out at the community center, Sally discovers incriminating evidence of Tony’s murder on Simon’s phone. Due to time travel, Simon accidentally aided Curtis while he was attempting to change history, though Simon never realised this. Follow.

Even though Misfits is a wacky sci-fi comedy and the ... deal with the ghosts of people they killed in the prior seasons.

The two fight for the the phone, and Simon accidentally kills her.Nathan’s half-brother Jamie shows up at the community center looking for him. Her death prompted Simon's return to the past. Misfits is one of the wittiest sci-fi shows in TV history, and these are the best episodes of the series, according to IMDb.Jonas is a medium who brings the spirits of Sally, Tony, and Rachel back to life. Another explanation is that Simon's time travel power makes him travel to the timeline before Curtis changed it. She briefly gained the power to turn back time in an alternate time stream (created when the previous owner of the turn back time power tried to kill Hitler and inadvertently gave Hitler his cell phone - enabling the Nazis to win WW2) but switched back to being a rocket scientist after correcting the time stream.