Don't be surprised if, in the end, you find beauty to be not in Something but Someone.” x�cbd`�g`b``8 "�[�l#ɸLz��WM ��%�d԰���H�N0[D��� R����&s@$S-���g���f�f`b��y << /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /ColorTransform 0 /Filter /DCTDecode /Height 933 /Subtype /Image /Type /XObject /Width 1600 /Length 59590 >> Miss Prim is a perfectionist; strong, independent, poised – even her name gives evidence of her character – but she is not “whole.” In her search for beauty and meaning she discovers that nothing can satiate that longing for her life to mean something. U)Q�T���g�����#j��"0�v��ՕH`t���~�[����Q���^@\I�n9�!/c5J�0�����5)~f��u~B[��ܷ�P��M,ZF��w�f2��L�o?IuR[�,�JNR�M���� �N��KzS�_�e�ݣ��[� ��2tv��wu!��# �,8��lյ^my*�����m�d��ψ62���a��JM~0�_�F`�#��v�R���m�Nߧ�Jf���#�ov�V�)����EV���n_�TP��s��6��gq�uZ��²UWƛ�K捐�Vp��़�7-1��e�y3P^J�^��w/X�ז���@��j�=�#��:� … It's easier to project blame into the eyes of others and defend yourself against that than to find it within yourself, where there's no possible defense.” “My mother’s problem is that she can’t submit to any authority. No, it's in the marriage, in the combination of the two of you, that you've got to look for it.” endobj

l/��!Ʈ � I don’t want anyone convincing me to go to St. Petersburg, and if I thought there was any chance of anyone succeeding, I wouldn’t take the risk.” The French Mr. Men that were … Fairy tales and ancient legends arelike the Redemption. There’s no human or spiritual discipline to which she’ll subject her will. << /Type /XRef /Length 98 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 5 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 3 1 ] /Index [ 6 47 ] /Info 28 0 R /Root 8 0 R /Size 53 /Prev 134538 /ID [<517bcb6fea2155d8cb622040e223e6b9><517bcb6fea2155d8cb622040e223e6b9>] >> Aunque en cada vida ese dilema aparece disfrazado con ropajes diferentes, su esencia es siempre la misma. {Miss Prim] The yearning you all display to prove your worth, to show that you know this and that, to ensure that you can have it all. “As novices, Carthusians are taught to turn around and close doors without pushing them or letting them swing shut. endobj the culture that she valued abstractly was actually a reflection of the ultimate reality that she initially failed to see. Ahora que conocía su abrumadora imperfección, ahora que era consciente de su fragilidad y de su contingencia, ya no llevaba sobre los hombros el pesado lastre del martillo y cincel. ���� JFIF �� C stream You tell yourself that if you don’t pursue your own happiness, they’ll suffer too; that you have a right to be happy and you only get one life; that it’ll be better for them, they’re young, they’ll get over it.

It's not in him that you have to seek harmony. See more. No es que se hubiese rendido a la imperfección ni que se hubiese acostumbrado a ella, pero ya no soportaba la carga en soledad, ya no arrastraba el yugo con sus fuerzas, ya no se sorprendía al descubrirse a sí misma en un mal paso.” %PDF-1.5 “What I mean is that modern women like you are all, to a greater or lesser extend, hard...It's the yearning. All . And in many ways that makes life much simpler. If they were, they wouldn't admire each other. It's not the husband who has to be the source of harmony.

“Of course you can say no.

Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. << /Contents 12 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 38 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G3 29 0 R /G6 31 0 R >> /Font << /F10 35 0 R /F11 36 0 R /F12 37 0 R /F4 30 0 R /F7 32 0 R /F8 33 0 R /F9 34 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X5 11 0 R >> >> /StructParents 0 /Type /Page >>

The kind of girl a group of football hooligans might term Miss Prim and Proper, (a girl who won't go into a Wet T-Shirt competition down at the pub), we might see as a really nice girl. “ there anywhere in the world as full of beauty as Italy?”

11 0 obj No se admira en otro una cualidad que uno mismo tiene, se admira lo que uno no tiene y ve brillar en el otro en todo su esplendor. “You say you're looking for beauty, but this isn't the way to achieve it, my dear friend. “[She] had the indefinable charm of someone who said little but thought much. “-Al amor, me refiero al amor. In most histories of the 20th century, the second world war is regarded as the event that broke the century in two, broke the world in two, broke civilization in two. Do you know why? Ya existe, no lo dude usted. Information and translations of MISSISH in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

<< /Pages 38 0 R /Type /Catalog >> You tell yourself that if you don't pursue your own happiness, they'll suffer too; that you have a right to be happy and you only get one life; that it'll be better for them, they're young, they'll get over it.

“You must be wondering how anyone could choose the left path and sacrifice their children.