Once upon a time Miss Spink and Miss Forcible had been actresses, as Miss Spink told Coraline the first time she met her. However, she generally seems to be the more realistic and practical one when compared to Miriam. She proceeds to make Coraline jasmine tea, even after April tells her not to. ...and boots and goes out for a walk. THIEF! Coraline held her breath and squeezed her fingers into two tight fists. Then she turned her round three or four times and pointed her at Coraline. “You see, Caroline,” Miss Spink said, getting Coraline’s name wrong, “both myself and Miss Forcible were famous actresses, in our time.

Miss Spink and Miss Forcible are both skilled readers of tea leaves and highly superstitious women. She blindfolded Miss Forcible’s button eyes with a black scarf, and put the knife into her hands. Spink states that it is good for searching for bad things, which Forcible counters, saying it is good for searching for lost things, and Coraline leaves while the two continue to argue. Coraline ties the smashed hand and the key to the stone with a blanket, and together they throw everything into the well and seal it shut.

Miriam Forcible is a retired burlesque actress along with her former stage partner and lover, Miss Spink. Out in the yard she runs into Other Miss Spink (Right) and Other Miss Forcible (Left)In the other world, Spink's counterpart is initially identical to the real world but with button eyes. That night, the ghost children appear in Coraline's dream to thank her for freeing them, but warn her that the Beldam will never stop looking for the key. Coraline promises to free them by finding their eyes. Miss Spink and Miss Forcible lived in the flat below Coraline's, on the ground floor. They were both old and round, and they lived in their flat with a number of ageing Highland terriers who had names like Hamish and Andrew and Jock.

At its peak, the film involved the efforts of 450 people,The trailer for the movie was released on November 24, 2008 and was shown before films such as Bolt, Twist City, The Tale of Despereaux & Hotel for Dogs. Our

Sometime Spink is right, such as with her prediction about Coraline's future, and sometimes she may be incorrect, such as with the magic stone she gave to Coraline, which clearly shows where Coraline can find the lost ghost eyes, but fails to inform her of the danger around the eyes.

The Other Wybie frees her from the mirror and helps her escape back to the real world. Miriam takes out a bowl of taffy, which April proceeds to crumble into a small stone-like object.

At the end of the movie, Miriam and April are at the gardening party, where Coraline gives the two lemonade, and asks how their ill dog is doing. The film was released in United States theaters on February 6, 2009 by Eleven-year-old Coraline Jones and her parents, Mel and Charlie, move into an old mansion that has been divided up and is now known as the Pink Palace Apartments. Miss Spink retorted before passing the cup over to Miss Forcible, who adjusted her glasses. “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. They recognize the danger Coraline is in after reading her fortune through tea leaves and give her a stone with a hole in it to help protect her. ...performance soon—the mouse circus is nearly ready to make their debut. More importantly, they're both former actresses who love to talk about their days in the theater. They were both old and round, and they lived in their flat with a number of ageing Highland terriers who had names like Hamish and Andrew and Jock. Miss Spink and Miss Forcible lived in the flat below Coraline’s, on the ground floor.

They own many ageing Scotties, such as Hamish, Angus, and Jock, and talk in theater jargon, often referencing their time as actresses. Coraline leaves the room while the two argue. Age: 70 Gender Female. Miss Spink and Miss Forcible (April Spink and Miriam Forcible) We're discussing these two characters together since they are sort of a package deal. Status: Alive. Afterward, the Other Mother invites Coraline to stay in the Other World forever, on the condition she have buttons sewn over her eyes. " THIEF! Our Once upon a time Miss Spink and Miss Forcible had been actresses, as Miss Spink told Coraline the first time she met her. ...divided up into several individual flats—on the ground floor, below Coraline and her parents, live Coraline looks at the creature’s faces—they appear to be versions of the other, younger As soon as she does, she becomes concerned, stating that Coraline is in danger as the tea leaves show a hand which Spink interprets as a bad sign. She runs back to her bedroom to retrieve the stone from