What’s incredible to me is her easy going temperment and great sense of humor, because it covers how deep she constantly goes. I used to think I was normal see. I do agree with many of the earlier posters who say one will be bullied, manipulated, or paralyzed by this energy until you know how to manage it positively. I think it all depends on the overall natal chart and how it works together. And everyone knows it. The more you resist, the more painful the experience.Discovered only in 1930, Pluto is the farthest planet from the Sun. The Pluto’s transit are squaring my Natal Pluto, and since this aspect begun I discovered my plutonian personality and the Pluto influence in all my life. However, they are not always easy. Pluto puts you through the hardest challenges because he knows you can handle it and he knows your potential when you make it. It can swim around inside of you and eat away at you, turning you into someone you don’t like. Nancy Grady Troy, MIi think someone with a strong scorpio/pluto signature in their chart will be terrorized by energy until and IF they learn how to manipulate it.I think I can relate to this. All I know is that I am not Pluto in Leo (Baby Boomers) or before that Pluto in Cancer (String Savers, the Great Depression people, my parents. And in the words of Ani Difranco, “Any tool is a weapon if you hold it right.” But any tool can also be a salve if you hold it right. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them.Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Because I’m tired of having people run away when I speak as my authentic self. In the chart wheel, Pluto is associated with the eighth house of sex, death, and intense transformation. or just, something else??? More power, right? :)I have a 1st house Scorpio stellium (Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Uranus) while Pluto is conjunct my Sun and ASC, sextile my Mars, and square my MC. until i came to recognize this, i had a bit of a vendetta against scorpios. I’m grateful. Transforming is your way of breathing again after being suffocated by Pluto, and it becomes something that absolutely has to happen. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. That safe human classroom doesn’t exist. But I’ve got all of the outer planets aspecting all of the personal planets, especially Venus, and I don’t know what that means in terms of this discussion. I know some people who have extra Pluto in their charts who don’t seem to use it all that much. Do you think that this aspect of your identity is more mysterious to you or to other people?Elsa, thats funny I think we have alot of chart similarities….I think you are cap rising too. (mtn town with many ygis,cosmic heqvies etc…Any insight for my Pluto placem not..? I have learned at least to defend my interests and set firm boundaries in close one-on-one relationships and contracts!I wonder if being a Plutonian person is free will for some people. That's what your ascendant is. First, get your hands on your natal chart, what can be drawn in a second on a lot of websites, like Obviously, you are looking to the planet Pluto here. Interpreting your Scores—ARE you a Plutonian? Just an fyi response to the original post – it was Donna Cunningham who coined the phrase “Outer Planet Person.”I also think it was Donna Cunningham. Hatred can also be an issue, and you may feel it stronger than most of us. Mostly because I know it will change me for the better. Agree with everything you say. I do personal coaching– transformational work of various kinds.

People are needing more hand holding than ever these days. At least that I can see. Her teacher said that she’s make an excellent mystery or crime writer. As far as methods there none it is either there or it is not it is part of your very fiber it is as natural as breathing and to be honest it sometimes more a curse than blessing for every ten people you try to help 9 will feel threatened and one will be receptive and appreciate the hand up but that one person makes it worth doingPluto on my AC, conjuncts Uranus and my moon, trines Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and sextile Neptune. Here is why and I feel it VERY much. Unquestionably I’m an Outer Planet Person, though my inner planets are challenged, as well: Moon and Venus in Scorpio (the Pluto/Scorpio connection, of course), and Mars in Cancer. Am I an OPP person (plus…?) ha! The Moon is my chart ruler and it’s in the 8th house. I have always personally felt more Neptunian than Plutonian, which I put down to having so many planets in my 12th house.