Maul prayed to a monolith, imploring Talzin to reveal herself, and Talzin's essence manifested from the stone and Although Maul was able to escape Dathomir alive, Sidious judged him as no longer being a threat to the Sith rule of the galaxy.Both Ventress and Merrin, survivors of the Nightsister massacre, were left alone by Talzin in the aftermath of the battle, leaving them to fend for themselves in the belief their leader had also perished at Grievous's hands.Mother Talzin's main loyalties laid with the NightsistersAs the leader of her Nightsisters, Talzin taught them to be loyal to nobody except each other and to only focus on themselves and their sisters.Talzin watches as her son Savage murders his own brother.Talzin despised the Sith and deeply resented Darth Sidious for taking Maul from her and casting her aside. Ky sensed the Force in her, and trained her as a Jedi. The coven gathered in the village to participate in Ventress's baptism into the Nightsister clan, a ceremony led by Talzin and her spellcasters. The process was an overwhelming success, causing Opress to grow in both size and ferocity. She could produce her own version of a lightsaber from magick and spirit ichor and held her own against Mace Windu and the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious with her magicks against his dark side abilities, showcasing that she is a skilled duelist, though she is not trained like one. Talzin began her Although Talzin nearly tortured Dooku to death, the Count gathered himself long enough to contact Grievous and order him to abandon the hunt for Ventress and instead find and kill the Clan Mother. See more ideas about Star wars rpg, Star wars characters, Star wars sith. On her homeworld of Dathomir, Talzin lived as a shaman and Clan Mother of the Nightsisters—a coven of Force-sensitive witches who used magicks to manipulate the wilderness around them and rule their male counterparts, the Nightbrothers.

Mother Talzin's speech was both deep and eerie backed by an otherworldy echo. But again she was orphaned when her Master wa… Nov 15, 2015 - Explore Miranda_Kyle's board "Nightsister Cosplay" on Pinterest. Acting as a mother figure she was very sympathetic with Asajj Ventress aiding her and giving her hugs. Seriously, try building a humongous anime wig or constructing a Mother Talzin cloak that appears to be magically floating.

The powerful Talzin can speak to the Spirits and can conjure objects from another realm. Maul and Opress did succeed in forming the Furious Talzin resolved to one day take revenge upon the Sith and retrieve her lost son.Ten years before the Clone Wars began, Talzin's son—now known by the Sith moniker of It was also around the antebellum of the Clone Wars that Talzin came to know Ventress's return was initially met with hostility from the other Nightsisters who were uneasy around outsiders and unaware of the new arrival's true parentage. I use dark magick to achieve power." Ventress life took many sad turns, leading her from light to dark and places in-between.
Talzin for a time survived without a body. Not worth the trouble or attention of the great Jedi Order. "I am not a natural Force wielder like the Jedi or Sith. She could create items and incinerate them such as the silver orb and set things on fire as shown with the cauldron that contained the voodoo doll and conjured a drinking cup of black root for the Count when he visited. One of the best ways to keep your learning skills sharp is to create a fictional character in real life. Talzin was a Dathomirian female who lived during the final decades of the Galactic Republic's reign and became a formidable figure of power during the Clone Wars. In the Nightbrother village in a secret lair stood a single stone column which was said to be the heart of her power. She loved him very deeply and ultimately sacrificed herself to save him from Sidious and his minions.