But I was a fair-skinned athlete who got plenty of sunburns on my scalp during all those summers playing softball.Right around that Thanksgiving, I went to Memorial Sloan Kettering hospital in New York City for what’s called a radical neck dissection. And if you see something suspicious, go to the dermatologist and get it checked out.Learn from me: Don’t be afraid to question your doctors and be your own health advocate. Eric had pain in his back (above the waist) and we thought he had developed another kidney stone. The doctors told me that I’d made it; as far as they were concerned, I was cured. I also have lymphedema in my left leg—a condition where the lymph fluid isn’t able to drain well, causing swelling and pain. “Most people who come into our office think they have a death sentence, yet the vast majority of melanomas we see are localized in the skin, which makes them treatable.”That was the case for these three melanoma survivors, who all triumphed over the scariest news of their lives. Please see our With summer fun in full swing, the last thing likely on your mind as you’re planning a weekend at the beach or a BBQ pool party is the serious side of spending more time in the sun: an increased risk of developing skin cancer.In fact, rates in the U.S. have doubled since 1982, and invasive melanoma is projected to be the fifth most common cancer for men and the seventh most common for women What makes melanoma so dangerous is its ability to spread throughout the body, says Steven Q. Wang, M.D., director of dermatologic surgery and dermatology at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center at Basking Ridge, New Jersey. I was 22 and had just graduated from college. Eric Ewing. Melanoma Patient Stories; Discussion Forum. Advancing New Healthcare Solutions Through CollaborationLearn About the Company's Rich Heritage at Our Digital Museum The Test of Time.

I went to my GP because I thought I had an infected skin tag on my right shoulder.

My friends love going to the beach with me because I bring everything: tent, sunblock, hat, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirt.My husband and I want to have kids, but my doctors don’t want me to start trying. Luckily, the melanoma hadn’t spread to my lymph nodes, and so the surgery was relatively straightforward. About the Melanoma Network of Canada; MNC Board of Directors; About Canadian Sun Safety Council; Screen Me Sun Aware Camp Program; DONATE; Your Donations in Action; MNC Affiliate Partners; MNC Corporate Partners; Volunteer; Contact Us; DONATE . My doctor removed all of my lymph nodes from my collarbone to my ear on the right side.

You are now leaving jnj.com. Search; Twitter; Facebook; Instagram; JOIN HERE Contact Us Donate. I wish more people would realize how many misconceptions there are around this condition—and skin color is one of them. It was awful. education and advocacy. He was born with lesion present in the mid-line of posterior trunk area.

READ MORE. I didn’t check any of the high-risk boxes. I couldn’t get out of my seat, and I started crying my eyes out. Some people think skin cancer isn’t a big deal—you just have the doctor ‘cut it out.’ I can tell you this: The sound of those biopsies was like a giant meat cleaver scraping against a mirror. Plus, I’d have to go nine months without being able to get any kind of radiological test.But I know that people who go through what I did don’t often make it out alive, let alone have children. I was told I wouldn’t live another five years.

All contents © Copyright Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.1997-2020. I will struggle with this forever.I know I’m lucky to be alive.

From a funny-looking freckle to a diagnosis that came at the tender age of 18, these stories illustrate the importance of sun safety because skin cancer can affect anyone—at any age.“I was 18 years old and had just started my first semester of college when I noticed a pink bump that looked like a pimple right at my hairline, near my scalp. Went in for a routine check up and now I must deal with melanoma. When my mom called to tell me the news, it didn’t really hit me. Melanoma UK is a patient support and advocacy group. A Second Chance for Jerry. It was a huge shock to be diagnosed with Melanoma. Sharing experiences and reading the stories of others who have been through similar situations can be comforting and reassuring. Advancing New Healthcare Solutions Through CollaborationLearn About the Company's Rich Heritage at Our Digital Museum All contents © Copyright Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.1997-2020. Then, about a year after my diagnosis, I went back for routine scans and a lymph node lit up in my lungs. If you feel something is wrong, seek until you get an answer that satisfies you. I found myself in surgery again, this time to remove my thyroid.At 31, I am now in remission, and I make it a point to see melanoma doctors and endocrinologists to ensure sure I stay healthy. Sharing experiences and reading the stories of others who have been through similar situations can be comforting and reassuring. In fact, I’d go out and purposely try to lay down a base tan. Patient Stories. I’ll never forget what she said: ‘If you don’t bother it, it won’t bother you.’ It’s crazy to think now how far from the truth that was.In fairness, I didn’t look like the typical Caucasian woman with a mole. I definitely would’ve put off making an appointment if it wasn’t for my wife’s insistence.After a biopsy, I got the diagnosis: Stage 2 melanoma.

GETTING TESTED Timing is Important. I thought it was weird to have a zit in that spot, but figured it would just go away.I tried an over-the-counter topical acne medication, but it just kept getting bigger—it was almost the size of a pencil eraser when I finally went to the dermatologist, who did a biopsy.Around the same time, I noticed I had swollen lymph nodes in my neck. Plus, I lived in Texas for much of my young adult life, where it’s warm and sunny even in the winter months.In a nutshell, I’m the poster child for what not to do when it comes to skin cancer. Not only did Gordon have melanoma, the most dangerous kind of skin cancer, but he also had a particularly nasty version of melanoma: “a nodular type.” Often misdiagnosed, these melanomas account for just 15% of cases, but 40% of deaths from melanoma.