Recently a mission has been sent to the Falashas of Abyssinia, and much interest has been felt in such outlying branches of the Jewish people as the Black Jews of Cochin and the Some officials hold their offices ad vitam aut culpam or dum Many species are rich in gums and resins; the calambac, mastic, copal, cedar, &c. Many others are oleaginous, among them, peanuts, sun-flowers, the (3) That after the said limitation shall take effect as aforesaid, judges' commissions be made quamdiu se Francesco degli Albizzi, Mainardo Accursio, Roberto de' Bardi, Sennuccio del He is alluded to by Dunbar in the fragmentary Interlude of the Droichis Part of the Play, where a "droich," or dwarf, personates "the nakit blynd Harry That lang has AUGUSTA BAGIENNORUM, the chief town of the Ligurian tribe of the Bagienni, probably identical with the modern In the Geonic period there came into prominence the sect of the Karaites (The logic, which contains at least one praiseworthy portion, a sketch of the history of the science, is divided into theory of right apprehension (The ancient royal tenants became the feudatories of the great nobles, and fell naturally into two classes, the nobiles Another specimen of his wit is furnished by the following epigram of the five reasons for drinking: Si What exactly does this mean, and what precautions has the Nota Where to start.

In other words, a little cavalier (an adjective that, nota bene, derives from "horseman"). the purposes illustrated in the cookie policy. questa non è pregata di mettersi in contatto con la direzione generale della concorrenza(DG IV) a bruxelles. non Member states applying article 5 or the provisions of the Gli stati membri che applicano l'articolo 5 o le disposizioni member states and we in the european parliament, nota La responsabilità passa ora ai governi degli stati membri mentre il parlamento, si badi . a shall report thereon annually to the commission.

questo non e well, literally every design and construction decision in Nota Is there anything particularly special about the sole of a Nota But in addition to the fact that our soles are leather, Nota And lastly, where can customers purchase the fantastic Nota So then, given that a high heel is a high heel, and is great culturally/socially for women but not so good biologically, I asked myself how I could make the best of this situation with Nota The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. . The New York Times 2 (Nota bene, ladies: leave the high heels at home, and wear pants). . If you want to know more or withdraw Bene sentence examples Recently a mission has been sent to the Falashas of Abyssinia, and much interest has been felt in such outlying branches of the Jewish people as the Black Jews of Cochin and the Bene Israel community of Bombay. dell'articolo K. 9 dopo la conferenza intergovernativa, anziché appoggiare una proposta carente in termini di sicurezza, libertà e protezione dei cittadini d'Europa. bene