Meet Sasha, the preserved and reconstructed remains of a baby woolly rhinoceros named that was discovered in Siberia.Stone tools made from limestone have helped researchers to suggest that humans arrived in North America as early as 30,000 years ago.This image shows both sides of the 1.4 million-year-old bone handaxe made from the femur of a hippopotamus. It lived between 1.5 million and 2 million years ago.This jawbone belonged to a Neanderthal girl who lived 120,000 years ago. Hominins had pronounced brow ridges, but modern humans evolved mobile eyebrows as their face shape became smaller.On the left is a 13,000-year-old footprint as found in the sediment on Calvert Island, off the Canadian Pacific coast. The tubes, discovered in black shale, are filled with pyrite crystals generated by the transformation of biological tissue by bacteria, found in layers of clay minerals.Researchers recently studied climate change in Greenland as it happened during the time of the Vikings. The oldest evidence of mobility is 2.1 billion years old and was found in Gabon. It was most likely crafted by ancient human ancestors like Homo erectus.This illustration shows Kongonaphon kely, a newly described reptile that was an early ancestor of dinosaurs and pterosaurs. Chat with us in Facebook Messenger. The cave overlooked a coastal plain that was probably perfect for hunting, while the cave itself provided shelter.

Venezuelan Palaeontologist Rodolfo Sánchez is shown next to a male carapace of the giant turtle Stupendemys geographicus, for scale.This artist's illustration shows the newly discovered Tyrannosaurus rex relative, Thanatotheristes degrootorum.The newly discovered species Allosaurus jimmadseni represents the earliest Allosaurus known. It had a toothless beak, but no shell.The leg bones of a 7-year-old, recovered from an ancient Roman cemetery, show bending and deformities associated with rickets.The famed Easter Island statues, called moai, were originally full-body figures that have been partially covered over the passage of time. The children and llamas might have been sacrificed due to flooding.The tooth of an extinct giant ground sloth that lived in Belize 27,000 years ago revealed that the area was arid, rather than the jungle that it is today.An artist's illustration of what the small tyrannosaur Moros intrepidus would have looked like 96 million years ago. New analysis suggests that salmonella caused a typhoid fever epidemic.Standing about 4 feet tall, early human ancestor Paranthropus boisei had a small brain and a wide, dish-like face. An ancient Egyptian head cone was first found with the remains of a young woman buried in one of Amarna's graves.A lice-like insect was trapped in amber crawling and munching on a dinosaur feather.Newly discovered penguin species Kupoupou stilwelli lived after the dinosaurs went extinct and acts as a missing link between giant extinct penguins and the modern penguins in Antarctica today.This illustration compares the jaws and teeth of two predatory dinosaurs, Allosaurus (left) and Majungasaurus (right).This is an artist's illustration of Najash rionegrina in the dunes of the Kokorkom desert that extended across Northern Patagonia during the Late Cretaceous period. It was a hyaenodont, a now-extinct group of mammalian carnivores, that was larger than a modern-day polar bear.The right upper teeth of the newly discovered species Homo luzonensis. Previously, it had been assumed they would both be the same age, given that they were found in the same breccia and only the breccia was initially dated. "This portion of a whale skull was found at the Calaveras Dam construction site in California, along with at least 19 others.