When she's not busy with her career as a movie actress… InputJapaneseEnglish Translation 2. Although Pai lost to her father, Lau, a second time, she left the tournament with a new perspective on her father. However, while Lau obsessively strove on with his training, Pai's mother worked so hard to support the family that she died of overwork. "I’ll show you the results of my training." One day she hears of Lau's intention to find a suitable successor in the 4th world tournament. “ 怪我しても知らないわよ!” Kega-shitemo shiranai-wa-yo! Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (Ver.A) Combo List.

Finding it strange, she investigates the matter and discovered Lau's terminal illness. Her moods change as quickly as a cat's - she can erupt in passion in one minute, and turn icy cold in the next.

She too decides to join the 4th world tournament to prove that she is a worthy successor to her father's legacy. Her death devastated Pai and she blamed it on Lau; she swore that one day she would beat him. Pai has a cheerful and determined personality, although her moods can change very rapidly depending on the situation. Pai searched for her father afterward, and found him just in time to save the weakened Lau from Lei-Fei's killing blow. Pai has a cheerful and determined personality, although her moods can change very rapidly depending on the situation. 5. However, when she discovered Lau was dying from a rare terminal illness, Pai entered the Pai is a leading star in Hong Kong action films. Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (Ver.A) Command List. Currently (and ever since Virtua Fighter 4), Lau has suffered from a rare illness which cannot be cured. "Her… Throughout the series Pai and Akira begin to have strong feelings for each other. Lau Chan (ラウ・チェン, Rau Chen) (born October 2, 1940) is a leading Chinese chef, a master of the legendary wushu style Tiger Swallow Fist (pronounced as "Koen-ken" in Japanese) and the father of Pai Chan, although the two share a strained relationship. Lau's only daughter, Pai was specially trained by her father in martial arts from a young age. Pai Chan (パイ・チェン, Pai Chen) (born May 17, 1975; Hong Kong) is a martial arts movie star in her hometown, and the daughter of renowned Chinese martial artist Lau Chan. Pai took part in the First World Fighting Tournament to test her skills. Pai Chan BIO: Pai is a leading star in Hong Kong action films. - delay on the 2P (how much depends on the weight) for WS P+KP to properly connect- this combo doesn't work if 46P+K connected from longer ranges, the 6_P whiffs- this combo doesn't work if 46P+K connected from longer ranges, the 6_P whiffsNote that K floats opponent higher at longer distance so generic combo is advised if not sure about the distancing.- works on WO in Open after block into K punish e.g. "Are you ready?" Although her work schedule was hectic, she continued to train and managed to bring herself to another level. After being defeated in the 3rd world tournament and discovering that her skills matched close to her father's, Pai went back to Hong Kong to concentrate on her acting career. works after blocking 46P+K but not if K was used to abare against a throw- works on WO in Open after block into K punish e.g. When she's not busy with her career as a movie actress, she devotes her time and attention to her training in the hopes of surpassing her father. 4. Two years later, she was a success in the movie industry. In Virtua Fighter Kids, Pai is depicted as a young girl (six to eight years old). In this variant of Pai appears as an assist character for a boss character in the 2D crossover fighting game, Pai appears as a unlockable character along with Akira, Kage-Maru and Sarah in Her mother, never shown in the games themselves, was instead shown in the anime, having died of an illness when she was little as opposed to Pai's mother dying when she was 16. When she received word that her father was going to enter the World Fighting Tournament, she also decided to enter. Her moods change as quickly as a cat's - she can erupt in passion in one minute, and turn icy cold in the next. “ いくわよ!” Iku-wa-yo! “ 準備はいい?” Junbi-wa-ii? ... Visually, Pai is easily one of the best-dressed Virtua Fighter characters, by far. She is considered as one of the most popular characters in the series. But before she could see him, she was defeated and had to leave the tournament.

So when Pai learned that Lau was participating in the fifth tournament, she decided to enter as well, telling herself that the only way she can show her love for her father is to be strong, both emotionally and in combat. He is from Shandong Province, Northern China. Pai has had a number of famous quotes and winning poses throughout the Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Pai Chan Longplay 60FPSTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It revealed that she was rather weak and she decided to train for a year before the Second World Fighting Tournament. Pai was voiced by Naoko Matsui in Japanese and by Amy Tipton in English.