Never run out of weird or embarrassing question! 5 Differences Between European and American Christmas start a new tv show: my list here Next, someone flips a flip-flop up in the air.

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It will definitely guarantee you fun. When you play the Paranoia questions first?, you don’t want to run out of paranoia questions, which is why we have compiled a list of all the best top rated questions for the Paranoia game.The paranoia questions game is a fun party or sleepover game that involves the participant whispering a question about all the participants to the person seated next to him/her.And then The person answering the question will say the name of someone in the group as the answer to the question.Now a coin flip will decide if the question asked will be revealed to the group or if it will remain a secret.If the coin lands on heads, you have to tell the group what the question was, if it lands on tails, the question must remain a secret.Unless the coin lands on heads, the question asked should never be revealed to the circle.If for any reason a player would rather not answer the question whispered to him or her, they should be allowed to skip the question. The person answering the question will say the name of someone in the group as the answer to the question.

Do you read this post on the train/bus/tram to wok/home? tell me if you are interested and i’ll make more posts :D I hope you guys like our collection of Paranoia questions. Next, someone flips a … have fun )If the coin hits an object or a surface before landing, it should be reflipped.The player who asks the question, as well as the player who is whispered to, cannot be the answer to the question.Who is most likely to be featured in a music video?Who is most likely to pay for an autograph from Beyoncé?Who is most likely to have all of Nicki Minaj’s songs?Who is most likely to be followed by their favorite singer on social media?Who is most likely to know how to play an instrument?Who is most likely always to have their earphones plugged in?Who is most likely to know the top songs on the Billboard Charts by heart?Who is most likely to have the greatest number of songs on their phone?Who is most likely to listen to music every night before sleeping?Who is most likely to have lost their virginity as a teenager?Who is most likely to have lost their virginity to an inanimate object?Who is most likely to have had sex in exchange for money?Who is most likely to know the names of all the famous porn stars?Who is most likely to have received the most dick pics?Who is most likely to have hooked up with a prostitute before?Who is most likely to have made out with a stranger before?Who is most likely to have never used condoms before?Who is most likely to take sexual performance drugs?Who is most likely to prefer car sex to bedroom sex?Who is most likely to receive a compliment about their hot bod?Who is most likely to visit Pornhub in the coming days?Who is most likely to have received more oral sex than they’ve given?Who is most likely to join the porn industry as soon as they can?Who is most likely to have had the most casual sex?Who is most likely to become skinny in the next five years?So, who is most likely to have some pizza at midnight?Who is most likely to talk random things about the past?So, who is most likely to stay overnight at the office?Who is most likely to fall in love with the ex once again?So, who is most likely to send a vulgar message to parents?So, who is most likely to say sorry without making any mistake?Who is most likely to be rich and famous in one year?So, tell me who is most likely to take a bath in a dirty washroom?So, who is most likely to call a teacher at midnight?Who is most likely to go to a hangover stage just after having 1 peg?Who is most likely to get married in an art gallery if they could?Who is most likely to pay for the drinks of everyone at a bar?Who is most likely to have visited Disneyland the most?Who is most likely to jump off a cliff and into a river?Who is most likely to become a social media influencer?Who is most likely to vlog a trip just for the fun of it?Who is most likely to get drunk and pass out at a party?Who is most likely to go bowling on a Friday night?Who is most likely to go swimming when it’s raining?Who is most likely to stream movies rather than go to the cinema?Who is most likely to refuse to get into the water at the beach?Who would be most likely to kill themselves during a tragedy on the planet?Who would be most likely to torture animals for money?Who would be most likely to torture people for money?Have you ever broken into a place you shouldn’t have been?What’s the meanest thing you’ve ever done to another person?Have you ever told someone you loved them, even though it was a lie?Have you ever made fun of anyone over their weight?Take off one clothing item of someone else’s choice.Take off someone elses clothing item of their choice.Tell a short story of one of your sexual experiences.Kiss the person with the earliest birthday of the year.Kiss the person with the earliest birthday in (-insert month-)Is there someone in your life that you wish were dead?What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever masturbated to?Have you ever contemplated suicide — even for a second?Who here makes the best spaghetti?

Paranoia is a great new drinking game that can really make you paranoid.