She then adds Matarunda and Maragion to the pattern as she reaches 75% and 50% HP respectively. Margaret tasks him with finding one hundred cans of cola in order to get him to venture to the earth and beyond the Velvet Room.
If there is no poisoned party member to target with Guillotine, she will settle with a normal attack on any one member. Elizabeth is cheery, inquisitive, friendly, silly, humorous, easily excited and fun-loving.

Repeatedly keeping the ailments on them will mean he spends fewer turns attacking or debuffing the party. Throughout his dates, he proves that he is very proud and modest, pretending to know everything there is to know about everything. Other than that, the only elemental attacks to worry about are Ice attacks, so bringing Mitsuru, Chie and Teddie are wise choices.

However, a key difference between their relationships is how they interact during ordinary circumstances; unlike Margaret, who treats Yu professionally and politely but with an air of authority, Elizabeth is silly, bubbly and quite casual towards Aigis, treating her as an old friend rather than a guest of the Velvet Room. Fang Smash and Strength Binds can neuter the attacks and sometimes force her to skip entire turns as she tries to stick to her pattern. She carries the Persona Compendium with her. Despite his seemingly taciturn disposition, he is actually quite a show-off to the protagonist whenever he requests her to escort her in the outside world and, through this attitude, his naïveté greatly shows, usually with humorous repercussions. This will only check the Omnipotent Orb itself; If a party member is naturally immune to all elements, the siblings attack as usual. However, she is often humorously disrespectful towards her brother If players choose to start the second cycle, Elizabeth will offer an extra side-quest of challenging her at the top of the bonus dungeon. Despite having grown significantly and formidably stronger since their past ordeals, both Aigis and Yu ultimately fail to defeat Elizabeth. Once she goes to 50% HP past this threshold, she adds Elec Corrosion and Mind Charge after Silent Song and Muscle Down, and swaps Megidolaon for Keraunos, Zeus' signature attack. As she is most likely going first each round, paying attention to her cycle and timing uses of Me Patra to coincide with her ailment spells - or Defending during those turns which cause the ailments to fail - can make the fight much more bearable, reducing the overall damage the team takes. The ticket booths give away tickets, which are actually sub-quests.

He repeatedly asks Igor to install crane games and escalators, et cetera, into the Velvet Room, but always fails. Elizabeth has short white hair and yellow eyes. As with many boss fights, maintaining buffs and debuffs are important to survival. The times when she Power Charges a Blade of Fury can be particularly dangerous.

Here, Elizabeth focuses on single-target -dyne spells, and supplements her siblings with offensive debuffs, ranging from Matarukaja and Marakunda to amplify the damage they deal, and binds to restrict the party's options.

Once she reaches 75% HP, she starts casting Binding Cry, and when she slips to 50% HP she stops attacking normally and instead adds Tarukaja and Mighty Swing to the pattern. Elizabeth serves as the Ultimate Opponent of Score Attack, encountered at the 13th and final match. He can be chosen by the player between him or Elizabeth to serve as Igor's assistant in the Velvet Room if the female protagonist is chosen. He is the younger brother of Elizabeth and Margaret, and the older brother of Lavenza.

Avoid bringing party members who are weak to Elec, or give them Sub-Personas or accessories to cover said weakness. Said pattern is as follows: Yu, however, is determined to show her the true power of the Wild Card. Elizabeth appears later at the end of both Story Modes, where she congratulates Yu Narukami and Labrys for defeating another avatar of death. Memento Mori / Ghastly Wail now deals 7500 damage normally, and 44,444 if Fear is inflicted. Elizabeth also is said to be very beautiful, as Labrys describes Elizabeth's appearance as "perfect" when she first encounters her. Elizabeth has short white hair and yellow eyes. She wears a blue dress that resembles a stewardess' outfit with five black-lined circles outside small yellow circles, blue gloves, a blue attendant-like hat, black leggings and blue, knee-length boots. Like all other characters encountered within Score Attack, the CPU-controlled Elizabeth is very different from the playable version, but as the Ultimate Opponent she gains incredibly ridiculous and infuriating buffs. He also apologizes to her when he attacks and lands a hit. In order to unlock her services, the party must meet She will request to battle the party after a request to hunt down a shadow in Elizabeth has some unstated yet strict conditions for this request aside from requiring the protagonist to fight alone. However, Aigis, who was watching from afar the entire time, finally decides to intervene at this point. Winning this battle and completing the related request grants the player Amenotamu-zake, allowing them to fuse Ouyamatsumi.

Elizabeth starts off with a pattern of Poison Breath - Guillotine - Agilao.