If you pin someone down, you force them to make a decision or to tell you what their decision is, when they have been trying to avoid doing this. She resolved, if possible to pin down Phelim to his own proposal.But this youthful couple did not pin down their sensations to an artistic formula.Joe tried to pin down the elusive quality it possessed and could not.By running the pin down into the sand all the way, you can make it look just like a goldpiece lying on the floor of the cave.Extend the legs, pin down each foot and pin out the cut edges of the skin.But she could not pin down what she wanted to think about; because, no doubt, there was so very much.He outlined the situation fully; maybe he shaded it a bit to throw suspicion on our group, but in no way we could pin down.Then he would fly up to the roof and throw every pin down to the ground, as if he said, "Well, take your old clothespins! "Who could pin down a shadow to the ground, / And take its measure?Mr.

But the 32-year-old suspect Reynaldo Destacamento insisted on his innocence, saying the police made him a sacrificial lamb so they could "Speaking from an opposition research perspective, if you wanted to "Take confinement for instance, if you're locked up that immediately has a choreographic result - say if you don't let somebody move across the space or if you Experience has shown that the more systems required to establish contact, the harder it becomes to actually My older brother always used to pin me down and pinch my arms when we were kids.The president never let reporters question him long enough for them to pin him down on any issue they brought up.It may seem dishonest, but it's important not to get pinned down on a topic that could hurt the company.Remember to pin the tarp down, or it will get blown away when the storm hits.Let me just pin down this pattern onto the mannequin so I can remember the design in the morning.I'd like to pin down the dates we want to fly so I can start looking at ticket prices.I think we've pinned down the cause of the electrical failures.It seems like you're struggling to pin down what your essay is really trying to say.I tried to pin him down on a time and place, but he was very evasive. Learn more. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus What does the idiom “pin someone down” mean? Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary pinpoint synonyms, pinpoint pronunciation, pinpoint translation, English dictionary definition of pinpoint. Is a phrasal verb: 1.

English A very small or sharp point: a pinpoint of light. Back in early June 2019 specific users were getting this feature. 1. to force someone to be specific or make his or her intentions known, esp. As you can see from the answers given so far, we probably are going to need a bit more information...what is the context of the statement? The sentence contains offensive content. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ?

Look it up now! They pinned me down on the table while the doctor removed the bullet from my leg.

2. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "pin" and "down." Literally, to use one's body weight to hold someone down on the ground. Pin down definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Pin definition, a small, slender, often pointed piece of wood, metal, etc., used to fasten, support, or attach things. by asking a lot of….

He’s impossible to pin down. Sabin assumed the puzzled air of one endeavouring to pin down an elusive memory.All Of These Words Are Offensive (But Only Sometimes)“Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every TimeRoget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Synonyms for pin down at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. … {{#verifyErrors}} Find descriptive alternatives for pin down. Pin down sth: Understand accurately sth; Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English Thanks!

To take someone down, use your arms to cover your face or duck below their punches so you can counterattack. {{#verifyErrors}}