The dwarf planet Eris orbits the sun in the inner Oort Cloud, at a distance that ranges from 37 to 97 AU. “You pick up your luggage and you move to Mars – the next farthest planet from the Sun.

Astronomical Unit (AU).Closest/perihelion/minimum= 46,001,009 km (28,583,702 miles) (0.307 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 69,817,445 km (43,382,549 miles) (0.466 AU)Average distance of the mercury from the sun= 57,909,050 km (35,978,892 miles) (0.387 AU)Closest/perihelion/minimum= 107,476,170 km (66,782,600 miles) (0.718 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 108,942,780 km (67,693,910 miles) (0.728 AU)Average distance of the venus from the sun= 108,208,000 km (67,229,630 miles) (0.722 AU)Closest/perihelion/minimum= 147,098,291 km (91,402,640 miles) (0.98 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 152,098,233 km (94,509,460 miles) (1.1 AU)Average distance of the earth from the sun= 149,598,023 km (92,955,902 miles) (1 AU)Closest/perihelion/minimum= 206,655,215 km (128,409,597 miles) (1.38 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 249,232,432 km (154,865,853 miles) (1.66 AU)Average distance of the mars from the sun= 227,939,200 km (141,634,900 miles) (1.52 AU)Closest/perihelion/minimum= 740,679,835 km (460,237,112 miles) (4.95 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 816,001,807 km (507,040,016 miles) (5.46 AU)Average distance of the Jupiter from the sun= 778,570,000 km (483,725,541 miles) (5.20 AU)Closest/perihelion/minimum= 1,349,823,615 km (838,741,509 miles) (9.05 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 1,503,509,229 km (934,237,322 miles) (10.12 AU)Average distance of the Saturn from the sun= 1,433,530,000 km (890,652,189 miles) (9.58 AU)Closest/perihelion/minimum= 2,734,998,229 km (1,699,449,110 miles) (18.40 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 3,006,318,143 km (1,868,039,489 miles) (20.10 AU)Average distance of the Uranus from the sun= 2,873,550,000 km (1,785,336615 miles) (19.20 AU)Closest/perihelion/minimum= 4,459,753,056 km (2,771,162,073 miles) (29.80 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 4,537,039,826 km (2,819,185,846 miles) (30.40 AU)Average distance of the Neptune from the sun= 4,501,000,000 km (2,796,471,300 miles) (30.10 AU)Closest/perihelion/minimum= 4,436,756,954 km (2,756,872,958 miles) (29.70 AU)Farthest/aphelion/maximum= 7,376,124,302 km (4,583,311,152 miles) (49.30 AU)Average distance of the pluto from the sun= 5,945,900,000 km (3,694,187,670 miles) (39.50 AU)Pluto used to be the 9th planet of our solar system. The order of the planets from the Sun from nearest to the farthest is Mercury, Venus, earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus, and Neptune. The solar system in which we live is home to eight planets including Earth.

It is thirty times farther from the sun than Earth.

If Sedna were captured from another planetary system that rotated in the same direction as the Solar System, then all of its population would have orbits on relatively low inclinations and have Acquiring a larger sample of such objects would help in determining which scenario is most likely.The discovery of Sedna resurrected the question of which A large minor planet in the outer reaches of the Solar SystemThe HST search found no satellite candidates to a limit of about 500 times fainter than Sedna (Brown and Suer 2007).

These 8 major planets in order of distance from the Sun (closest to farthest) are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

It has a diameter of 74,600 miles, making it the second largest planet in the solar system.

1. A planet is revolving around the Sun in an elliptical orbit. One such hypothetical companion is Sedna's highly elliptical orbit means that the probability of its detection was roughly 1 in 80, which suggests that, Each of the proposed mechanisms for Sedna's extreme orbit would leave a distinct mark on the structure and dynamics of any wider population. A planet is revolving in an elliptical orbit around the sun. Spectroscopy has revealed that Sedna's surface composition is similar to those of some other trans-Neptunian objects, being largely a …

It is the largest dwarf planet in our solar system, located in the I hope you have liked this post. “But the Sun will also start to make Mars hot, so you want to move farther out again. The outer planets may have rocky cores, but if so, the cores are deeply embedded in the mixture of gas and ice that forms their bulk. This happened in 1846.

The objects have been categorized by their approximate heliocentric distance from the Sun, and not by the greatest calculated aphelion of their orbit. One reason for Pluto's reclassification is that, orbiting beyond Neptune and yet being mostly rock, it doesn't conform to this pattern.Mercury, named after a Roman god, is 36 million miles away from the sun and 48 million miles from Earth.

As far as we know, it is the only planet with life, and about 70 percent of its surface is covered in water.

Uranus is made of hydrogen, helium and methane and has no solid surface.The farthest planet from the sun at 2,794.4 million miles away is Neptune, named after the Roman god of the Sea. Ask a short question on any video on my channel.

Astronomers think that the long period comets come from a region of the Solar System known as the Oort cloud. Its closest distance from the sun is .The farthest distance from the sun is if the orbital angular velocity of the planet when it is nearest to the Sun then the orbital angular velocity at the point when it i at the farthest distanec from the sun is Search for an answer or ask Weegy. 1 Answer/Comment. Kilometers, 2. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication and completed a course in interior design.

“But the Sun will also start to make Mars hot, so you want to move farther out again. It is named after the Roman god of war and is 141.6 million miles away from the sun. Instead, Neptune orbits the Sun in an elliptical orbit.