Puoi informarti sullo stato della tua spedizione: OPEN Forever Free Plan has arrived that helps you combat COVID-19 pandemic. More. At the Post Office. Get a personal track & trace page to track your China Post packages or any carrier in the world. Prenota un appuntamento Con i Servizi a Domicilio puoi spedire le Poste Delivery Box Standard anche comodamente da casa tua. La versione del tuo browser non è aggiornata. Why AfterShip.

La consegna di Poste Deliverybox Standard avviene dal lunedì al venerdì, in 4 giorni lavorativi per gli invii spediti nell’ambito dello stesso comune (esclusi Livigno, Trepalle e Campione d’Italia) e in 6 giorni lavorativi per il resto d’Italia.

Addressing. , T4J, T4L, T4V, T4X, T7A-T7Z, T8L, T8R-T8S, T8V-T9S, T9W-T9X, X1A, Y1A, B0L-B0W, B1A-B2N, B2R-B2T, B3E, B3G, B4H-B5A, B6L, B9A, J0Z, J1A-J3B, J3P-J3T, J5J-J5M, J5T-J5X, J6E, J6N, J6S, J6T, J7T, J7X-J7Z, J8A-J8H, J9E, J9L-J9Z, X0A, G0Y, G0Z, G3B, G3C, G3H, G3L, G3M, G3N, G3Z, G4A, G4R-G6B, G6E, G6G, G6H, G6L-G6T, G7B-G8P, G0A-G0W, G0Y-G0Z, G3A-G3C, G3E-G3N, G3Z-G4A, G4R-G6C, G6E-G6T, G6Z-G8P, J0Z-J4B, J4T, J5A-K0G, K0J, K1A-K7C, K7H, K7S-K8H, A0R1B0, A2V, G0G0A2-G0G0A4, G0G0A6-G0G0A7, G0G0A9, G0G0B3-G0G0B5, G0G0B7-G0G0B9, G0G0C1, G0G0C5-G0G0C8, G0G1C0-G0G1G0, G0G1J0, G0G1M0-G0G1N0, G0G1S0-G0G1T0, G0G1W0, G0G1Z0, G0G2C0, G0G2G0, G0G2P0-G0G2T0, G0G2W0-G0G2Z0, G0W0A4, G0W0C2, G0W1C0, G0W3B0-G0W3C0, G0X0E5, G0X3M0, G0X3P0-G0X3R0, G4T, J0M, J0W2C0, J0Y0A1-J0Y0A2, J0Y0A5, J0Y2X0-J0Y3B0, J0Y3H0, X0A0A1, X0A0A3, X0A0H0, X0A0W0-X0A1H0, V0X-V1E, V1H, V1K-V1L, V1N-V2N, V4T-V4V, V8A-V8B, V8K, V8M, V9G-V9Z, T1A-T1W, T4A-T4X, T7A-T7Z, T8L, T8R, T8V-T9S, T9W-V0A, V0C, G0Y-G4A, G5A, G5V-G7A, G8T-G9X, H1A-J0L, J0N-J0V, J0W, G0H-G0L, G0T-G0W*, G4R-G4Z, G5B-G5T, G7B-G8P, H0M, J0Y, G0Y-G4A, G5A, G5V-G7A, G8T-G9X, G1A-G9X, H1A-J0L, J0N-J0W is in the range of P0V-T9X or X0B-X0G or Y0A-Y0B and your item is going to: , N4G-N4L N4S-N4V, N4X, N5C-N5R, N7A-N8M, N9V-N9Y, P0H, V1A-V1E, V1H,V1K-V1L, V1N, V1R, V1T, V2G, V2J-V2N, V8B-V8K, V8M, V9G-V9Z, X1A,Y1A is in the range of P0V-T9X or X0B-X0G or Y0A-Y0B and your item is going to: , G0Y-G4A, G5A, G5V-G7A, G8T-G9X, G1A-G9X, H1A-J0L, J0N-J0W is in the range of P0V-T9X or X0B-X0G or Y0A-Y0B and your item is going to: , N4G-N4L N4S-N4V, N4X, N5C-N5R, N7A-N8M, N9V-N9Y, P0H, V1A-V1E, V1H, V1K-V1L, V1N, V1R, V1T, V2G, V2J-V2N, V8B-V8K, V8M, V9G-V9Z, X1A, Y1A is in the range of P0V-T9X or X0B-X0G or Y0A-Y0B and your item is going to: Receiving .

2. Con Poste Delivery Business Standard puoi spedire senza urgenza - in Italia - merci e documenti senza limiti di peso e dimensioni, sia monocollo che multicollo.

Poste Delivery Express è ideale per spedire pacchi e documenti in un giorno lavorativo. Company . AfterShip Package Tracker. With Parcel Monitor for Poste Italiane, you can track all your packages and get real-time updates with just your tracking number! International mail. Find out everything you need to know about domestic mail and prices. Per sapere quali sono gli oggetti non ammessi al trasporto consulta la AfterShip Package Tracker. The projected delivery period is Cerca nel Per una migliore navigazione del sito, scarica la versione più recente. Puoi spedire il tuo pacco online utilizzando il servizio We cannot intervene in the customs process nor can the postal administration of the destination country.Regular mail items without tracking numbers move through the destination country's regular mail; we are not advised of delivery nor can we inquire about status.If you are the sender and the delivery standard date has passed, If you are the receiver in a country that is not Canada, unfortunately you can’t open a service ticket (neither online nor by phone). Traccia tutte le tue spedizioni con Poste Italiane online e con facilità - basta inserire il tuo numero di tracking e ricevi aggionramenti in tempo reale. About China Post. Apps. Per conoscere i casi in cui è possibile ottenere un indennizzo o un rimborso consulta le English. Enter the tracking number of the tracking form with the title "All In One Package Tracking" 3. Per sapere come preparare la spedizione consulta la Create parcel orders with an electronic shipping tool at Canada Post, Use a customer-developed or third-party shipping system, or; Use our tracking tool.
Tracciamento e … Learn more>> Products. If the expected delivery time has passed and you wish to investigate, contact the sender to initiate an inquiry.An item I sent to another country has not been delivered yet. *numero verde gratuito da telefono fisso e mobile, attivo dal lunedì al sabato dalle ore 8.00 alle 20.00.La spedizione con scatola inclusa, per rendere più agili e veloci tutti i tuoi invii.