Positive and Negative Traits of Purple/Violet Positive keywords include: unusual and individual, creative and inventive, psychic and intuitive, humanitarian, selfless and … Purple used professionally can feel a bit unsettled and therefore uncomfortable.Chakras are energy centers within the body that help to regulate all its processes. Storm clouds gathering on the horizon. If you are an artist, you might find inspiration easier if you have around purple objects.

He or she may be connected to the spiritual realm. Your feelings run deep and you can be I have been researching color for many, many years so know that you will be able to find what you need.Purple in varying intensities can add a balancing energy in interior environments and is neither ‘masculine or feminine’ in strength of character–in fact, when used as a background color, it can function as a neutral- as an accent, it can unify and add a softer point of interest than many other colors can. Purple is a beautiful color to enjoy and created from two wonderful colors themselves, Just like other colors, there are different shades of purple and they can all have different meanings. Unfortunately, I don’t have this organized to share at this time.

We’d love to hear from you. It fosters creativity by awakening our senses while promoting the quiet necessary to make intuitive, insightful observations.

I haven’t seen the new interior of the trains but it doesn’t sound very appealing. Each chakra governs specific functions and is represented by one of the seven chakra colors.Violet: (purple) is the color of the Crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara. The “Purple Orchid Three” is a sweet potato grown by its Hainan developers from seeds taken into space in 2005 on China’s “Shenzhou VI” rocket. you constantly surround yourself with too much purple you can become for help - being needed motivates you but sometimes people take It took many thousands of snails to produce tiny amounts of the precious and expensive dye.The Purple People Bridge that spans the Ohio River at Cincinnati is one of the few exclusively pedestrian bridges in the nation. Irrational.

It signifies someone with an active imagination and a rich inner life. Some people believe this ominous hue represents a struggle or obstacle a person needs to overcome. This chakra is located at the top of the head. Be careful on how much you surround yourself with this color. I love purple but it seems I can’t wear my purple dresses, and I don’t want thai people to think that my husband is dead.Tisha, the good news is that the Internet and media have blurred the cross-cultural lines and there is a much broader view of what colors mean than there was traditionally.Very interesting, and complete dissertation of my fave color. Purple ((This one is mine)) Having a personality color purple or violet as your favorite color means you are sensitive and compassionate, understanding and supportive, thinking of others before yourself - you are the person others come to for help - being needed motivates you but sometimes people take advantage of you. Purple Aura Meaning & Personality The purple aura is easily regarded as one of the most spiritual auras possible on the aura spectrum. You trust the flow of the Universe to take care of everything.You Purples never betray the trust of those they love. People with this color aura may find themselves privy to the secret thoughts and feelings of others… for better or for worse.
Calming, organic surroundings help these people find solace and relax.

What does purple meanwhen looking at the darker shades of a purple aura?Well, the personality meaning often associated with a dark purple aura is often the exact opposite of the lighter shades. may also find you exhibit some of the negative traits, particularly It’s the favorite color of adolescent girls, and it’s the color of fantasy and magic. Deeply spiritual, this shade may be found in religious leaders, artists, and psychics—people who have studied spirituality or are truly in touch with their emotions. This could manifest as someone who is drawn to other people, wanting to help them during times of distress or pain. moody.

It is an uncommon element in nature and is often perceived as intriguing and rare. Purple is often a statement of independence as it’s not abasic, primary color, and it’s often a sign of fusing the mundane with the innovative. Purple is associated with seeking dignity and self respect.